Jynx Quest

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The Jynx Quest can be started in Chapter 6 after obtaining access to Surf. Completing this quest rewards the player with a Jynx.


Head to Akuwa Town and Surf right to Route 11, land on the first island to the north, and head up the steps where you will find a Xen grunt. The Xen grunt will request that we bring him 10 Sweet Hearts as a gift to his love.

You can purchase Sweet Hearts on Route 3 at the left festival shop during the day. Once you have them, return to Route 11 and hand them over to the grunt. After finding out that his love "loves" someone else, the grunt will fight you. Defeat him in battle to continue.

Once you've won, the grunt's love will reveal herself to be a Jynx, and will jump down and battle you. Either capture or defeat it to complete the quest.

Battle Team

Trainer Pokémon
Team Xen Quentin
Team Xen Quentin
Seaking Seaking/ Lv.44
No item
Venomoth Venomoth/ Lv.43
No item
Mamoswine Mamoswine/ Lv.44
No item
Golurk Golurk/ Lv.43
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Team Xen Quentin
Team Xen Quentin
Seaking Seaking/ Lv.45
No item
Venomoth Venomoth/ Lv.45
No item
Mamoswine Mamoswine/ Lv.45
No item
Golurk Golurk/ Lv.45
No item