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▼▼▼【Welcome to the Rejuvenation Wiki!】▼▼▼

Please be aware that some of the articles on this Wiki contain S P O I L E R S for the game! Read at your own risk!

This is a Wiki about Rejuvenation, made to archive and provide information about the game, including its characters, battles and all of its custom features. Anyone can help edit and improve the wiki!
Rejuv new logo.png

In fact, we greatly encourage people to help improve the wiki by creating and expanding articles with any information that might be missing. Feel free to add to any pages that are lacking!

1,694  articles
9,254  files
32,905  edits
5  editor(s)
Warning: This Wiki Contains Spoilers! Read at your own risk!

L A T E S T     R E L E A S E

V13.5 Title.gif
Rejuvenation - V13.5
.Karma Files

Where Love Lies.png

Rejuvenation - Side Episode 1
Where Love Lies


Many decades ago, Aevium was once a united and strong
blossoming region. However, the calamity known as Storm-9
tore the region apart.

The Aevium Region has lived a time of peace since then.
Pokémon and Trainers alike band together to create a region worth
living in. However, the dark and sinister organization,
Team Xen, rises from the shadows to destroy what little peace the
region has left.

Explore the Aevium Region while also defending the land from
Team Xen. Discover the dark secrets this world has kept hidden
under the cracks that separate Aevium and shakes it to
its very core.

This world needs you.
Will you lend us your strength?

Melia 1 ICO.png Characters
SC.png Main Story
Karen ICO.png Sidequests
Map new ICO.png Aevium
Rift Gyarados ICO.png Rift Pokémon
Field effect ico.png Field Effects
Aeamphcrest.png Crests

▼▼▼【C H A R A C T E R S】▼▼▼

See Characters for the full list of character articles, including minor & sidequest characters.