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An example of chapter splash art.

Rejuvenation depends on chapters for its story and progression. As of V13.5, the game has 15 chapters and one additional mini chapter called .Karma Files that can be skipped on subsequent playthroughs in the future V14 update of the game. Each chapter is tracked in the quest log, and has unique splash art upon starting the chapter, with the exception of .Karma Files. Most chapters include at least one major fight and a gym battle, however there are exceptions to this rule.

List of Chapters

Chapter Introduced in Title Quest log synopsis Chapter artwork
1 Version 1 "Crossroads of Destiny" "I was about to be captured by that woman with purple hair, but Tesla saved me at the last moment...
Now it's up to me to make my way to Gearen Laboratory and hopefully get a Pokémon myself so that I can travel the region safely."
Chapter01 3.png
2 Version 2 "Redemption" "Team Xen attacked Goldenwood Forest, but Melia and I escaped... Unfortunately, we ran into another Xen member at the Lab.
Melia managed to escape, but now she's on the run. It's up to me, Ren, and Venam to see if we can intercept all of this and save her."
Chapter02 3.png
3 Version 2 "Tainted Light" "Aelita and I were preparing to head out to Akuwa Town together. It's nice knowing that I won't be alone, but...
It looks like something's come up. Team Xen may be attacking East Gearen again. I have to go and help."
Chapter03 3.png
4 Version 3 "Isolation" "I was able to defeat Marianette, but it came with a price...
She sacrificed herself to save us. The door to her world is closed and there's no way back.
Now, there's nothing left but for Aelita and I to move onto Goldenleaf Town as planned. Marianette... I hope you're okay."
Chapter04 3.png
5 Version 4 "Imprisoned" "Goldenleaf Town was... Interesting!
Lots of very normal people. We helped Narcissa turn her town around, and now it's finally time to head to Akuwa Town.
We need to pass through Wispy Ruins and Route 4. Then, we'll make it to our destination. Finally!"
Chapter05 3.png
6 Version 5 "Nimpossible Predicament" "After everything we've been through, I thought things were finally turning around. But I guess not... Nim is missing and she's been feeling sick.
I have a bad feeling about this. A very bad feeling... Mom, I hope I'll do you proud."
Chapter06 3.png
7 Version 5 "A Teila Fire and Ice" "Now that the Sky Relic is ours, it's up to us to find the remaining two... All of this happened so suddenly.
We finally felt like we were in times of peace, but I shouldve known that was short lived. On to the rest of Terajuma."
Chapter07 3.png
8 Version 6 "Those We Lose" "Angie has been defeated... Temporarily. All that work and we didn't even defeat her for good. She was too strong.
We need the last remaining Relic to be able to enter Valor Mountain. Just what other hell shall we endure to save the ones we love?"
Chapter08 3.png
9 Version 7 "No Time Left To Lose" "Team Xen was successfully defeated. We only lost Nim, the Professor, and Aelita to do it... I feel pretty lost right now.
Where do I go from here? I don't think anyone knows the answer. We just have to find the strength to move on."
Chapter09 3.png
10 Version 8 "Stopped In Our Tracks" "After hearing about the strange phenomenon leaving people encased in stone, we decided to head to Grand Dream City to investigate further.
The stone phenomenon sounds similar to Nim's case. So I'm interested in investigating this further. I feel it's only right. "
Chapter10 3.png
11 Version 9 "Through the Looking Mask" "After that debacle with the Grand Express, we're finally here in the big city! We're here to investigate the weird phenomenon,
but first things first—it's time to become accustomed to this city's layout and make sure I know it like the back of my hand. Team Xen won't win this one!"
Chapter11 3.png
12 Version 10 "Remember, I Love You" "As if things couldn't get any worse, Venam was turned to stone... On the bright side, I reunited with Aelita and we're going to work together again to heal Venam and everyone else affected. Aelita knows a healer that may be able to help. We're going to get to
know him and see what we can do. I won't stop until we're successful."
Chapter12 3.png
13 Version 11 "Conflicting Ren-union" "Genuinely, what can I even say? Melia and I went through some messed up things, but now we're back and ready to roll.
It's time to figure out just what's going in with GDC and all these weird phenomena.
Nim is alive, but she sounds different... Let's hope we can reach her."
Chapter13 3.png
14 Version 12 "Death of One, Birth of Another" "Bladestar attacked the Grand Dream Ball... There are thought to be no survivors at the present time.
I don't know what my next plan is, but Bladestar must be stopped at all costs."
Chapter14 3.png
15 Version 13 "Vague Clarity" "Team Bladestar has been dealt with, and the Spring of Rejuvenation has revitalized everyone who was turned to stone!
Finally a moment of happiness after all that's happened. However,
we've been summoned to Sashila by Alexandra... I wonder what's she's got to tell."
Chapter15 3.png
15.5 Version 13.5 ".Karma Files" "There's just about a month until the group invades Team Xen's HQ. All three components have been acquired and the time to awaken Adrest is here."
V13.5 Title.gif