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"Humor me for a moment. Have you come across things in your numerous journeys that have felt off?"


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Tesla is one of the region's Elite 8, first introduced when she rescues the Protagonist off of the sinking S.S. Oceana at the start of the story, preventing their capture by Team Xen. She's the owner of Teila Resort, and the mother of Amber. She wields an unknown power called the Golden Flame, and has an affinity for Fire types.




Tesla makes her first appearance in the story when she sends her Talonflame to rescue the protagonist on the S.S. Oceana. After she introduces herself and finds out that the protagonist is alone, she informs them that they can visit Gearen Laboratory to pick up a Pokémon there. She then tells the protagonist that she is going to look for survivors in the area that the S.S. Oceana capsized in and takes off on her Talonflame.

Tesla next appears at the East Gearen Train Station after the protagonist beats Venam for their first gym badge and asks how they are doing. She implores the protagonist to not give up hope and secures a lifetime pass to Goldenwood Forest for them. Tesla then gives the protagonist some potions and tells them that she will be going back to her room in the Chrisola Hotel. She also offers to find the protagonist a place to stay if they need it before going on her way. If the player, goes to Tesla’s room at the Chrisola Hotel, she thanks them for visiting and states that Goldenwood Forest is her favorite place in the region and hopes that they enjoy the forest.

Tesla returns during chapter 7 at Telia Resort where she is talking to concerned dancers about how Angie’s presence harming business. When one of the dancers wonders if Tesla could do something about Angie, Tesla states that a thick blizzard is blocking the way. After the dancers leave, Tesla spots and embraces the protagonist while asking them how things have been. Melia soon after arrives and is awestruck by Tesla stating her credentials of being in the Elite 8 and Wielder of the Golden Flame. Tesla asks if she is Melia noting that she was supposed to be the Normal Type leader before Jenner and she disappeared. Tesla then notes that Melia is a big girl and can make her own decisions. When Melia tells Tesla that they are looking for Earth and Water Relics and Amber, Tesla tells them that Amber is her daughter and that she is in possession of the Earth Relic. As the protagonist and Melia prepare to leave for Aquamarine Cave to search for Amber, Tesla has Melia stay behind out of concern for her mental health and asks the protagonist to bring Amber back themselves with a promise that she will make it up to them.

Later, Tesla welcomes back Amber, the protagonist, and Venam and asks Amber to battle the protagonist and bless the Earth Relic to which Amber dismisses. After Amber departs, Tesla admits to spoiling Amber as an explanation of her rude behavior and invites the protagonist and their friends to visit her villa.

At her villa, Tesla offers the group her battlefield after Amber demands to see a multi-battle before she considers blessing the relic and having a gym battle. Since Amber only blesses the relic and declines to battle the protagonist, Tesla informs the group that the reason why Amber is acting especially rude is because Tesla’s husband had left her long ago and that it is his birthday. Tesla then recalls in a memory telling her husband not to come back if he decides to leave again. As an apology, Tesla gives the group access to villas to stay in for the night and asks the protagonist to stay in a guest room in her own villa and tells the protagonist that she has a surprise for them.

In her kitchen, Tesla cooks the protagonist a meal and laments not being able to share these moments with Amber anymore. Tesla then takes the protagonist to their surprise which turns out to be her guest room. She then invites the protagonist to live with Amber and her after hearing from Melia what happened to their mother. Tesla also gives the protagonist keys to her yacht so they can travel around the region.

Soon after, Amber blows up on her mother for not coming with her to the Cook Off calling her the absolute worst mother which wears out Tesla’s patience. She tells Amber that at least she has a mother and that she never knew her parents. Tesla also expresses that even though she is trying her best to support Amber she admits that she is not strong enough and that everything is falling apart. After Amber wordlessly runs away, Tesla immediately regrets her words and apologizes to the protagonist expressing a desire to be alone.

Tesla is next seen knocked out after consuming the soup from the Cook Off which was revealed to be spiked by Madelis. After the protagonist wakes up from being knocked out, Melia tells them that Tesla went to Valor Mountain to rescue Amber from Madelis though she ultimately falls into a trap.

After defeating Kyogre in Valor Mountain, Tesla is seen saved alongside Amber and Madelis and expresses her gratitude. Amber apologizes to Tesla for her behavior and the two reconcile their differences as mother and daughter. Once the events on Valor Mountain conclude, Tesla next appears at Club STFU keeping an eye on Sharon and Eli as well as to watch Amber and the protagonist have their gym battle.

Much later at the Tournament of Dreams, Tesla stops by after doing some shopping in Grand Dream City to visit Amber. Tesla also gives the protagonist the same meal she prepared for them back at her villa since she heard they were in the area. She then wishes the protagonist good luck with the rest of the tournament before heading off. After the Bladestar transmission, Amber is worried for Tesla since she was supposed to attend the Grand Dream Ball however the protagonist and Hazuki reassure Amber that she is safe.

Doomed Timeline

After triggering the bad future, Melia and the Protagonist encounter Amber and Mosely who reveal that Tesla was taken by a group called the Pyriah after she used herself as a decoy so Amber and Mosely could escape. She is later found captured in Blacksteeple Castle.

At Blacksteeple Castle, Tesla welcomes the group and brings them to the Princess who declares that she forced Tesla to become her mother through a mind control device. After the group gets teleported away, Tesla announces to Melia, Kenneth, and the protagonist that the Princess has begun the game.

After the first game is completed, the protagonist beats Kenneth in battle and as a punishment the Princess has Tesla send Amber and Valerie to their demise. As she attempts to release them, Tesla starts resisting her mind control and ends up saving Amber and Valerie instead infuriating the Princess.

Later, after the Princess’ defeat, Tesla has come to her senses with the device controlling her being destroyed and appears alongside Kenneth, Amber, Mosely, and the rest of the group to bid farewell to Melia and the protagonist.

Where Love Lies

Tesla first appears in Gearen City where she gets kicked out of her job, Mika’s Coffee, in front of Kenneth. After some time chatting with Kenneth, her boss appears, and she departs wanting to talk more with Kenneth later.

In the night, Tesla finds Kenneth sitting out on the street and he ends up telling her that he accidentally quit his job. Minutes later, they get to talking about their respective dreams and Tesla’s dream is to one day own an orphanage revealing to Kenneth that she is an orphan. Upon hearing Kenneth’s stomach growling, Tesla takes Kenneth to Mika’s Coffee and gives him her lunch to eat and offers to let him sleep in her apartment for the night to which Kenneth is very grateful. At Tesla’s apartment, she plays boardgames with Kenneth and her friends until late in the night. Tesla, along with her friends, then saw Kenneth off first thing in the morning and gave him a vulpix as a parting gift. Much later, Tesla appears along with her friends at Kenneth’s and Taelia’s wedding in Sheridan Village.

15 years later, Tesla has become a model and sends an invite for Kenneth and Taelia to come to one of her shows. By the docks in Gearen City, Tesla is later shown with disappointment over Kenneth not coming to her modeling show. After the great fire destroyed much of Gearen City, Tesla and Amber move away from Gearen City.


The only pokemon that Tesla is currently known to own is a Talonflame, she used to own a Charizard which Venam "borrowed".



  • "Even in the most powerful pit of despair, we must press on." (East Gearen Train Station)



Friends & Rivals
Friends & Rivals: Melia  •  Ren  •  Venam  •  Nim  •  Aelita  •  Erin  •  Huey  •  Reina
Aevium League
Gym leaders: Venam  •  Keta  •  Martin  •  Narcissa  •  Valarie  •  Crawli  •  Kreiss  •  Amber  •  Erick  •  Flora  •  Lavender  •  Talon  •  Adam  •  Ryland  •  Saki  •  Alice  •  Allen  •  Damien
Reserve/stand-in leaders: Texen  •  Marianette  •  Melia  •  Spector  •  Angie  •  Florin  •  Puppet Master  •  Souta  •  Thomas Jr
Elite 8: Alexandra  •  Karen  •  Tesla  •  Jolene  •  Dylan
Champions: Celine  •  Alexandra (stand-in)
Staff: Amanda  •  Jan  •  Zumi
Team Xen
Grunts: Eli  •  Sharon
Executives: Zetta  •  Madelis  •  Geara  •  Neved  •  Nastasia
Admins: Cassandra
Leader: Madame X
Affiliated: Isha  •  Thomas Blakeory Sr.
Past Aevium
Theolia Family: Vitus  •  Anathea  •  Maria  •  Gardevoir
Protectors of Aevium: Vivian  •  Anju  •  Hazuki  •  Nymiera
Others: Kanon  •  Cella  •  Anastasia
Stormchasers: Karrina  •  Rhodea
Allies: Nancy  •  Rorim B  •  Volta  •  Mosely  •  Crescent  •  Cairo  •  Risa  •  Rune  •  Sakitron  •  Delpha
Antagonists: Cera  •  Melanie  •  Clear  •  Kieran
Minor characters
Sidequests: Ana  •  Mr. Luck  •  Goomink  •  Dufaux  •  Eizen