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"Humor me for a moment. Have you come across things in your numerous journeys that have felt off?"


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Nymiera, appearing like a hipster, has long black hair that is quite flowly and has curly sidebangs, has black eyes, a blue hair tie, a pair of sunglasses, a purple beret with a white outer rim, a colorful long sleeved blue to lavender colored blouse with collar, designed similarly to a pain staining the color, blue jeans, lavender and purple shoes with a tall sole.


Nymiera is a very chill leader, who has an artistic mindset, but is also serious when needs to be. She also has a melancholic side to her, as she tells the story of how Arceus was split into three, and fell to the hands of humanity.


Nymiera visited young Anju when she froze her parents in her nevermelting ice, and persuaded her to become her disciple in order to control her ice powers, the aura with the wish to preserve.




  • This scene with young Anju can be encountered when the player visits the underground cellar of the Tower of Theolia, if the player has access to a darchlight mirror and the entire cellar is frozen.
