Grand Dream City

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City Description

Places of Interest

Main Street

Connects the Eastern Dream District from the east, the Southwestern Dream District from the west, the Central Square from the north, and Route 7 from the south.

Main Street Station

Pokémon Center

Main Street Complex

Apartment Complexes

Eastern Dream District

Connects the Main Street from the west, Judicial District from the east, and the Scholar District from the north.

Grand Dream Station

Botanical Garden

Amber Park

Day Care Building

Southwestern Dream District

Connects the Main Street from the east, and the District of Hope from the west.

PokeStar Studios Street Station

PokeStar Studios

GDC Art Gallery

Herbs Shop

Herbs Vendor
Heal Powder Heal Powder
Pokémon Dollar450
Energy Root Energy Root
Pokémon Dollar800
Energy Powder Energy Powder
Pokémon Dollar500
Pure Incense Pure Incense
Pokémon Dollar9600
Luck Incense Luck Incense
Pokémon Dollar9600
Full Incense Full Incense
Pokémon Dollar9600
Wave Incense Wave Incense
Pokémon Dollar9600
Full Heal Full Heal
Pokémon Dollar600
Nightmare Medallion Nightmare Medallion *
Pokémon Dollar4800

The Underground

Main article: The Underground

Northwestern Dream District

Connects the Central Square from the east, and the Residential District from the south.

Mika's Cafe

Apartments Building

Northern Dream District

Connects the Central Square from the south, and the Axis High District and Axis High University from the north.

Central Square

Connects the Main Street from the south, the Northwestern Dream District and Residential District from the west, the Shopping District from the east, and the Northern Dream District from the north.

2nd Avenue Station

Central Building

GDC Help Plaza

The Help Plaza is located within the Central Building, at the Central Square. It's a place where people can submit their troubles and wait for someone to help solve their issues. Help requests are submitted and posted on the blackboard by the staff.

Help Quests
Quest Name Rewards
Missing Children Opens up The Underground
Classified Information PokémonDollar.png25000

Detective Agency

Shopping District

Connects the Central Square from the west.

Magnolia Theatre

Somniam Mall

Main article: Somniam Mall

Hidden Power Checker

Move Relearner

Residential District

Connects the Northwestern Dream District from the north, and the Central Square from the east.

Residential Street Station

Residential Park

Dream Complex

Cosmetic Change

If the Player interacts with the box at the Player's Bedroom, they are able to change their appearance to either the alternative or back to the original look.

Cosmetic Box
AevisOWa Aevis Original
AevisOWb Aevis Alt
AeviaOWa Aevia Original
AeviaOWb Aevia Alt
AxelOWa Axel Original
AxelOWb Axel Alt
ArianaOWa Ariana Original
ArianaOWb Ariana Alt
AeroOWa Aero Original
AeroOWb Aero Alt
AlainOWa Alain Original
AlainOWb Alain Alt

Nightmare City
Main article: Nightmare City

Judicial District

Connects the Eastern Dream District from the west.

Judicial District Station

Pokémon Center

Apartment Complexes

Police Department

District Building


Axis High District

Connects the Northern Dream District from the south, the District of Hope from the west, and the Scholar District from the east.

Axis High Station

Axis High University

Main article: Axis High University

First Aid Station


Agate Circus High Top

At the left half of the stand there is a Darumaka Puzzle giver, that offers a bred Darumaka for solving his puzzle.

Agate Circus Darumaka Puzzle
Darumaka Darumaka
1 Blue ShardsBlue Shard.png

Move Relearner
Move Tutors
Main article: Tutor Moves
Moves taught
Axis High Pledge Tutor
Yellow Stand
Move Type Category Price
Fire Pledge Fire Special 3 Red Shards Red Shard
Water Pledge Water Special 3 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Gras Pledge Grass Special 3 Green Shards Green Shard

Axis High Punch Tutor
Blue stand
Move Type Category Price
Thunder Punch Electric Physical 2 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Fire Punch Fire Physical 2 Red Shards Red Shard
Ice Punch Ice Physical 2 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Drain Punch Fighting Physical 3 Red Shards Red Shard
Focus Punch Fighting Physical 3 Red Shards Red Shard

Axis High Mixed Tutor
Red Stand
Move Type Category Price
Endeavor Normal Physical 3 Green Shards Green Shard
Iron Tail Steel Physical 4 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Earth Power Ground Special 3 Blue Shards Blue Shard

Chatot Vendor
Chatot Vendor
Chatot Chatot
Pokémon Dollar15000

Ancient Aevium Balloon Merchant
Balloon Merchant
Air Balloon Air Balloon
Pokémon Dollar200

Magic Ice Cream Parlor
Sweets Vendor
Reverse Candy Reverse Candy
Pokémon Dollar50
Sachet Sachet
Pokémon Dollar1000
Funnel Cake Funnel Cake
Pokémon Dollar7000
Whipped Dream Whipped Dream
Pokémon Dollar1000
Apophyll Pancakes Apophyll Pancakes
Pokémon Dollar3000
Rare Candy Rare Candy
Pokémon Dollar30000
Ice Cream Vendor
Vanilla Ice Cream Vanilla Ice Cream
Pokémon Dollar400
Choc Ice Cream Choc Ice Cream
Pokémon Dollar600
Berry Ice Cream Berry Ice Cream
Pokémon Dollar800
Blue Moon Ice Cream Blue Moon Ice Cream *
Pokémon Dollar20000

Fish Tank Randomizer

Bait Randomized Reward
Standard Bait PokémonDollar.png2000 Icon746.png Wishiwashi, Poké Ball.png PokéBall, Heart Scale.png Heart Scale, Link Heart.png Link Heart, HP Up.png HP Up, Lemonade.png Lemonade, Super Potion.png Super Potion, Honey.png Honey
Delicious Bait PokémonDollar.png7500 Icon116.png Horsea, Dusk Ball.png Dusk Ball, Heart Scale.png Heart Scale, Link Heart.png Link Heart, Moon Stone.png Moon Stone, Max Revive.png Max Revive, Ultra Potion.png Ultra Potion, Fire Stone.png Fire Stone
Gourmet Bait PokémonDollar.png20000 Icon116.png Horsea, Jaw Fossil.png Jaw Fossil, Sail Fossil.png Sail Fossil, Dawn Stone.png Dawn Stone, Dusk Stone.png Dusk Stone, Shiny Stone.png Shiny Stone

District of Hope

Connects the Axis High District from the northeast, Southwestern Dream District from the southeast, and the Hospital of Hope from the north.

Pokémon Hospital

Hospital of Hope

Main article: Hospital of Hope

District of Hope Apartments

Doctor Isha's Buidling

Scholar District

Connects the Axis High District from the west, the Eastern Dream District from the south, and Route 9 from the north.

Pokémon Center

Grand Dream Ball

Blakeory Atheneum

National Park

Help Corporation Building

Scholar Recreation Center

Game Corner
Casino Register
Coin Case 50 Coins
Pokémon Dollar1000
Coin Case 500 Coins
Pokémon Dollar10000
Casino Pokemon Prizes
Aron Aron
Durant Durant
Mienfoo Mienfoo
Rufflet Rufflet
Axew Axew
Casino TM Prizes
TM Normal TM70  (Flash)
TM Normal TM10  (Hidden Power)
AP Exchange Prizes
Adamant Mint Adamant Mint
3 APAchievements.png
Jolly Mint Jolly Mint
3 APAchievements.png
Brave Mint Brave Mint
3 APAchievements.png
Modest Mint Modest Mint
3 APAchievements.png
Timid Mint Timid Mint
3 APAchievements.png
Quiet Mint Quiet Mint
3 APAchievements.png
Calm Mint Calm Mint
3 APAchievements.png
Bold Mint Bold Mint
3 APAchievements.png
6 APAchievements.png
Exp. Candy M Exp. Candy M
6 APAchievements.png
Golden Hammer Golden Hammer
15 APAchievements.png
Golden Surfboard Golden Surfboard
20 APAchievements.png
Golden Gauntlet Golden Gauntlet
25 APAchievements.png
Golden Scuba Gear Golden Scuba Gear
25 APAchievements.png
Golden Wings Golden Wings
25 APAchievements.png
Golden Jetpack Golden Jetpack
25 APAchievements.png
Golden Drift Board Golden Drift Board
25 APAchievements.png
Golden Claws Golden Claws
25 APAchievements.png
TM Dark TM56  (Fling) *
15 APAchievements.png
TM Fighting TM47  (Low Sweep) *
15 APAchievements.png
Exp. All Exp. All
30 APAchievements.png
Rift Matter HP Card
10 APAchievements.png
Attack Card Attack Card
30 APAchievements.png
Defense Card Defense Card
10 APAchievements.png
Rift Matter Speed Card
30 APAchievements.png
SPAttack Card SPAttack Card
10 APAchievements.png
SPDefense Card SPDefense Card
30 APAchievements.png


Main Street

Item Location
Dusk Ball.png Dusk Ball 1st Apartment Complex 75F; in the cupboard (hidden)
Ether.png Ether 2nd Apartment Complex 24F; plant pot by the elevator (hidden)
Moon Ball.png Moon Ball 2nd Apartment Complex 24F; on the bed
Resist Wing.png Resist Wing 2nd ground space up from the left-side of the 2nd Apartment Complex (hidden)
Repel.png Repel Ground space 2 spots up the Bug Catcher Trainer at the NPC gathering middle the street (hidden)
Reverse Candy.png Reverse Candy By the lower right dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance
Green Shard.png Green Shard Grass space up the 1st flowers patch left the lower right dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance (hidden)
Reverse Candy.png Reverse Candy Flowers patch left of the right big yellow tree up Route 7 gate entrance (hidden)
Max Repel.png Max Repel 1st flowers patch left of the Main Street Station stairs up Route 7 gate entrance (hidden)
Sachet.png Sachet By the lower left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance
Hyper Potion.png Hyper Potion Ground space up the lower left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Flowers patch right of the 1st left big green tree up Route 7 gate entrance (hidden)
Muscle Wing.png Muscle Wing Ground space 3 spots up the upper left dumpster up Route 7 gate entrance (hidden)
Genius Wing.png Genius Wing Middle ground space behind the 2nd SPU truck down the Pokémon Center (hidden)
Hyper Potion.png Hyper Potion Main Street Complex 8F; on the table
Persim Berry.png Persim Berry x5 Main Street Complex 8F; from the Female Clerk on the sofa, at Night Time (hidden)
Sun Stone.png Sun Stone Main Street Complex 16F; on the table
Carbos.png Carbos Main Street Complex 16F; from Igglybuff, at Day Time
Ether.png Ether Ground space 5 spots down and 1 spot left from the left side of the Missing Poster left of the Main Street Complex (hidden)
Max Repel.png Max Repel Ground space 3 spots up and 9 spots left from the Hiker lower left the Main Street Complex (hidden)

Eastern Dream District

Item Location
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Between the Old Lady and the Artist down Grand Dream Station ☀
Leppa Berry.png Leppa Berry From the Male Ranger Trainer after battle
Rare Candy.png Rare Candy Day Care 1F; from the Lady on the sofa after giving her PokémonDollar.png3400
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Day Care 14F; on the bed ☀

Grand Dream Station

Item Location
Hyper Potion.png Hyper Potion Lower right by the Gearen Train

Botanical Garden

Item Location
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Ground space corner up the benches right the entrance (hidden)
Red Shard.png Red Shard Ground space 4 spots down and 2 spots right from the Fragrant Lady Trainer (hidden)
Wiki Berry.png Wiki Berry Middle right orange flowers inside the lower right garden (hidden)
TM Fire.png TM11 Sunny Day At the middle inside the lower right garden
Rare Candy.png Rare Candy Bottom left inside the lower right garden
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Bottom right inside the lower right garden ☀
Max Repel.png Max Repel Ground space 3 spots down and 4 sports right from the Garden Arena entrance (hidden)
Ether.png Ether Ground space 6 spots up and 1 spot right from the Mistress Trainer (hidden)
Occa Berry.png Occa Berry Right pink flowers inside the middle left garden (hidden)
Reverse Candy.png Reverse Candy Ground space 2 spots down and 2 spots right from the lower bench left the lower left garden (hidden)

Southwestern Dream District

Item Location
Green Shard.png Green Shard Back-left-side the pink medium tree lower left the PokeStar Studios entrance (hidden)
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Between the 2 trucks by the PokeStar Studio entrance ☀
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Ground space 5 spots left the Lady lower left the PokeStar Studios entrance (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Ground space 4 spots down the zebra crossing middle spot up the Art Gallery building (hidden)
Red Shard.png Red Shard Ground space 6 spots left and 2 spots up the 1st dumpster down the Art Gallery building (hidden)
Ether.png Ether Ground space 2 spots down the Herbs Shop (hidden)
Max Repel.png Max Repel Ground space 3 spots left of the sakura tree on the bottom left of the area (hidden)
Iron.png Iron Ground space 7 spots up the sakura tree on the bottom left of the area (hidden)
Health Wing.png Health Wing Flowers patch left the SPU truck (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Ground space down the dark green medium tree upper left the SPU truck (hidden)
Rare Candy.png Rare Candy Top left of the area behind the trees
TM Flying.png TM67 Roost Down the Herbs Shop, at Night Time

GDC Art Gallery

Item Location
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard From the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards
Red Shard.png Red Shard From the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards
Green Shard.png Green Shard From the Clerk Lady at the right, random item out of 3 shards

Northwestern Dream District

Item Location
Max Repel.png Max Repel Ground space 2 spots down the bench right of Mika's Cafe (hidden)
Mineral Ball.png Mineral Ball Ground space 2 spots up and 3 spots left the street lamp up the Residential District entrance (hidden)
Mineral Ball.png Mineral Ball Ground space between the 2 dumpsters left the Residential District entrance (hidden)
Leppa Berry.png Leppa Berry x5 Apartments Building 1F; from the Receptionist
Max Revive.png Max Revive Apartments Building 13F; on the table
Quick Ball.png Quick Ball x5 Apartments Building 36F; from the Optimist Lady on the sofa, at Night Time
Ether.png Ether Ground space 2 spots left and 1 spot up the middle street lamp left Mika's Cafe (hidden)
Green Shard.png Green Shard Ground space 8 spots down the last top right street lamp (hidden)
Reverse Candy.png Reverse Candy 2nd flowers patch up the last top right street lamp (hidden)
Genius Wing.png Genius Wing 2nd flowers patch up the top middle right street lamp (hidden)
Ether.png Ether 2nd flowers patch up the top middle left street lamp (hidden)
Red Shard.png Red Shard Ground space between the 2 dumpsters down the Toybox (hidden)

Mika's Cafe

Item Location
Reverse Candy.png Reverse Candy From the Male Clerk at the top right table, at Night Time
Dusk Ball.png Dusk Ball x10 From the Kalos Lady at the bar, at Night Time
Link Heart.png Link Heart From Patty, requires the SPU Delivery side quest

Central Square

Item Location
Muscle Wing.png Muscle Wing Inside the far left dumpster lower left of the area, down the Residential District entrance (hidden)
Health Wing.png Health Wing Ground space 7 spots left from the sakura trees on the lower right of the area, down the lower Shopping District entrance (hidden)
Health Wing.png Health Wing Ground space 4 spots left and 1 spot up the the bench up from the lower Shopping District entrances (hidden)
Resist Wing.png Resist Wing 4th green grass patch down the sakura tree on the upper right garden at the fountain (hidden)
HP Up.png HP Up From the Red Haired Technician on the right side, Day time
Muscle Wing.png Muscle Wing Lower left flowers patch on the upper left garden left the fountain (hidden)
Health Wing.png Health Wing Ground space middle the zebra-line right from the Northwestern Dream District entrance (hidden)
Sitrus Berry.png Sitrus Berry From the Female Ranger Trainer up of Officer Jenny after battle, Day Time
Ether.png Ether Ground space 2 spots right and 1 spot up from the Young Lady down the left Northern Dream District entrance (hidden)
Max Repel.png Max Repel Left of the Central Building
Green Shard.png Green Shard Right the top Weather Board down the Central Building
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Right of the Central Building ☀
SPU Parcel.png SPU Parcel #1 From the SPU Driver, requires the SPU Delivery side quest
SPU Parcel.png SPU Parcel #2 From the SPU Driver, requires the SPU Delivery side quest
SPU Parcel.png SPU Parcel #3 From the SPU Driver, requires the SPU Delivery side quest

Shopping District

Item Location
Super Repel.png Super Repel Ground space 5 spots left and 1 spot down from the flowers basket left the Ice Cream Stand bottom the area (hidden)
PokémonDollar.png PokémonDollar.png350 Ground space middle spot between the 2 lower dumpsters at the road between the 2 Central Square entrances (hidden)
PokémonDollar.png PokémonDollar.png450 Ground space 4 spots left of the Weather Board middle spot, top the area (hidden)'
Repel.png Repel Flowers patch left the middle medium tree at the top of the area (hidden)
Elixir.png Elixir Ground space 4 spots down the middle medium tree bottom left side at the top of the area (hidden)
PokémonDollar.png PokémonDollar.png450 Ground space 6 spots right and 3 spots up the Optimist Trainer (hidden)
Super Potion.png Super Potion Ground space left the Hidden Power Checker (hidden)
Yellow Shard.png Yellow Shard Ground space 6 spots right from the flowers basket right the Move Relearner (hidden)
PokémonDollar.png PokémonDollar.png550 Ground space 2 spots down and 1 spot left the right door entrance of the Department of Dreams (hidden)
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Lower right the Department of Dreams ☀
Casteliacone.png Casteliacone Ground space 1 spot down the crying Kid (hidden) *

* Available only if you didn't give the kid one yet.

Residential District

Item Location
Green Shard.png Green Shard Ground space 2 spots right of the Weather Board middle spot (hidden)
Super Repel.png Super Repel Ground space lower middle spot right of the right zebra-line-crossing (hidden)
Yellow Shard.png Yellow Shard Ground space 1 spot right and 3 spots down the 3rd left street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance (hidden)
Ether.png Ether Ground space 2 spots up and 1 spot right the 2nd right street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance (hidden)
PP Up.png PP Up Ground space 1 spot right and 1 spot down the 1st left street lamp down the Northwestern Dream District entrance (hidden)
Muscle Wing.png Muscle Wing Residential Park; grass space down the 1st upper left green medium tree (hidden)
Reverse Candy.png Reverse Candy Residential Park; flowers patch right the 2nd lower left green medium tree (hidden)
Health Wing.png Health Wing Residential Park; grass space down the 1st upper right green medium tree (hidden)

Dream Complex

Item Location
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Central Penthouse; on the lower left table at the pool area ☀
Sharp Beak.png Sharp Beak Right-Wing Penthouse; inside the 3rd left room

Judicial District

Item Location
Link Heart.png Link Heart Top left flowers patch on the park right of the Police Department (hidden)
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Middle the park right of the Police Department ☀

Police Department

Item Location
Rift Data File.png Rift Data File - Code: Evo Lost and Found floor; if you missed picking it up at Rift Dragon Gate in Goldenwood Forest
Rift Data File.png Rift Data File - Code: Materna Lost and Found floor; if you missed picking it up at Rift Lethal Forest in Amethyst Cave
Rift Data File.png Rift Data File - Code: Statia Lost and Found floor; if you missed picking it up at Rift Paradise & Generator Chamber in Madelis' Palace
Rift Data File.png Rift Data File - Code: Sarpa Lost and Found floor; if you missed picking it up at Rift Beach Concert in Deep Terajuma Jungle
Rift Data File.png Rift Data File - Code: Feris Lost and Found floor; if you missed picking it up at Production Lines in Amethyst Mines
Rift Data File.png Rift Data File - Code: Corroso Lost and Found floor; if you missed picking it up at Sewers Depths in West Gearen Sewage Management
Anju's Pendant.png Anju's Pendant Lost and Found floor; if you missed picking it up at Chrysalis Courtyard and found Angie's secret in Tower of Theolia; currently unavailable
Darchlight Mirror.png Darchlight Mirror Lost and Found floor; if you played the game after completing the Darchlight Caves main events prior to V10

Axis High District

Item Location
Ether.png Ether Down the Axis High Station stairs
Green Shard.png Green Shard On the table by the Move Relearner
Poké Doll.png Poké Doll Reward from hitting 'Powerful' in Agate Circus High Top (repeatable)
TM Water.png HM06 Dive Reward from hitting the bell in Agate Circus High Top

District of Hope

Item Location
Thunderstone.png Thunderstone District of Hope Apartments 15F; at the bottom left
Gourmet Treat.png Gourmet Treat Lower right flowers patch down the Pokémon Hospital (hidden)
Green Shard.png Green Shard 2nd wall to the right down the left stairs (hidden)
Persim Berry.png Persim Berry In the dumpster up the emergency cars (hidden)
Soda Pop.png Soda Pop Behind a dumpster left of Doctor Isha's Building
Aspear Berry.png Aspear Berry Flowers patch down the 1st sakura tree right of Doctor Isha's Buidling (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Ground space upper right corner behind the 2nd sakura tree right of Doctor Isha's Buidling (hidden)

Scholar District

Item Location
Hyper Potion.png Hyper Potion Lower blue/yellow flowers left the medium tree left the Blakeory Atheneum (hidden)
Super Potion.png Super Potion Ground space 6 spots down the sakura tree right the Blakeory Atheneum (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Ground space left the upper right corner by Blakeory Atheneum (hidden)
Honey.png Honey Pink/orange flower down the upper right sakura tree at the park down Blakeory Atheneum (hidden)
Rose Tea.png Rose Tea On the lower right table in front the Young Lady at the park down Blakeory Atheneum (hidden)
Lemonade.png Lemonade Grass patch 2 spots down the lower left table at the park down Blakeory Atheneum (hidden)
Green Shard.png Green Shard 3rd flowers patch left the sakura tree at the garden down the Recreation Center (hidden)
Max Repel.png Max Repel 3rd pink flowers left the sakura tree at the garden down the Recreation Center (hidden)
Casteliacone.png Casteliacone Ground space up the 2nd bench down the Recreation Center (hidden)
Ether.png Ether Grass space between the 2 sakura trees left the School Boy Trainer left the Help Corporation Building (hidden)
Sitrus Berry.png Sitrus Berry Ground space 4 spots down the upper left wall corner by the Grand Dream Ball entrance (hidden)

National Park

Item Location
Pecha Berry.png Pecha Berry In the street lamp right the entrance (hidden)
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Between the upper right and middle right garden ☀
Revive.png Revive Ground space right the 2nd street lamp between the upper right and middle right gardens (hidden)
Liechi Berry.png Liechi Berry In the fence up grass patch right the blue flowers in the middle right garden (hidden)
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Between the upper left and middle left gardens ☀
Lum Berry.png Lum Berry Ground space left the 1st street lamp between the middle left and lower left gardens (hidden)
Sitrus Berry.png Sitrus Berry Ground space 2 spots left the 3rd street lamp between the middle left and lower left gardens (hidden)
Revive.png Revive Middle ground space in the line of the blue and orange flowers between the lower left and lower right garden (hidden)

Scholar Recreation Center

Item Location
Coin Case.png 30 Coins Game Corner; 1 spot left the middle lower tree pot (hidden)
Coin Case.png 30 Coins Game Corner; 3 spots left the right lower tree pot (hidden)
Coin Case.png 30 Coins Game Corner; 1 spot left and 1 spot down the left-middle upper tree pot (hidden)
Coin Case.png 30 Coins Game Corner; 1 spot down the upper right corner of the employee's desk (hidden)


Main Street

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Tranquill Tranquill
Grass Grass
30-54 20% 0% 0%
Skwovet Skwovet
Grass Grass
40-56 20% 0% 0%
Leavanny Leavanny
Grass Grass
20-56 20% 20% 0%
Forretress Forretress
Grass Grass
40-55 10% 0% 0%
Lillipup Lillipup
Grass Grass
10-56 10% 0% 0%
Greedent Greedent
Grass Grass
55-57 5% 0% 0%
Unfezant Unfezant
Grass Grass
36-56 9% 0% 0%
Togedemaru Togedemaru
Grass Grass
30-56 4% 34% 0%
Stoutland Stoutland
Grass Grass
30-56 2% 0% 0%
Skiddo Skiddo
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 20% 0%
Yamper Yamper
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 10% 0%
Gogoat Gogoat
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 10% 0%
Pidgeot Pidgeot
Grass Grass
36-56 0% 4% 0%
Boltund Boltund
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 2% 0%
Rattata Rattata
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 40%
Thievul Thievul
Grass Grass
20-56 0% 0% 14%
Raticate Raticate
Grass Grass
40-55 0% 0% 10%
Nickit Nickit
Grass Grass
5-56 0% 0% 10%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 0% 10%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 0% 10%
Ariados Ariados
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 0% 5%
Dustox Dustox
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 0% 1%
Special Pokémon
Skiploom Skiploom
Interact Interact
50 Six
Jumpluff Jumpluff
Interact Interact
60 Two

Eastern Dream District

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Tranquill Tranquill
Grass Grass
30-54 20% 0% 0%
Skwovet Skwovet
Grass Grass
40-56 20% 0% 0%
Leavanny Leavanny
Grass Grass
20-56 20% 20% 0%
Forretress Forretress
Grass Grass
40-55 10% 0% 0%
Lillipup Lillipup
Grass Grass
10-56 10% 0% 0%
Greedent Greedent
Grass Grass
55-57 5% 0% 0%
Unfezant Unfezant
Grass Grass
36-56 9% 0% 0%
Togedemaru Togedemaru
Grass Grass
30-56 4% 34% 0%
Stoutland Stoutland
Grass Grass
30-56 2% 0% 0%
Skiddo Skiddo
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 20% 0%
Yamper Yamper
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 10% 0%
Gogoat Gogoat
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 10% 0%
Pidgeot Pidgeot
Grass Grass
36-56 0% 4% 0%
Boltund Boltund
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 2% 0%
Rattata Rattata
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 40%
Thievul Thievul
Grass Grass
20-56 0% 0% 14%
Raticate Raticate
Grass Grass
40-55 0% 0% 10%
Nickit Nickit
Grass Grass
5-56 0% 0% 10%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 0% 10%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 0% 10%
Ariados Ariados
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 0% 5%
Dustox Dustox
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 0% 1%
Fishing and Surfing
Clauncher Clauncher
Surfing Surfing
31-50 60%
Mantine Mantine
Surfing Surfing
30-54 34%
Bruxish Bruxish
Surfing Surfing
31-55 6%
Goldeen Goldeen
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 70%
Clauncher Clauncher
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 30%
Clauncher Clauncher
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45 60%
Goldeen Goldeen
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45 20%
Seaking Seaking
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45-46 20%
Gastrodon Gastrodon
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-66 40%
Whiscash Whiscash
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-65 40%
Quagsire Quagsire
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-65 15%
Clawitzer Clawitzer
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
60-90 5%
Special Pokémon
Skiploom Skiploom
Interact Interact
50 Six
Jumpluff Jumpluff
Interact Interact
60 Two

Southwestern Dream District

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Smeargle Smeargle
Masquerain Trade
Same Level as the Traded Pokemon One

Northwestern Dream District

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Tranquill Tranquill
Grass Grass
30-54 20% 0% 0%
Skwovet Skwovet
Grass Grass
40-56 20% 0% 0%
Leavanny Leavanny
Grass Grass
20-56 20% 20% 0%
Forretress Forretress
Grass Grass
40-55 10% 0% 0%
Lillipup Lillipup
Grass Grass
10-56 10% 0% 0%
Greedent Greedent
Grass Grass
55-57 5% 0% 0%
Unfezant Unfezant
Grass Grass
36-56 9% 0% 0%
Togedemaru Togedemaru
Grass Grass
30-56 4% 34% 0%
Stoutland Stoutland
Grass Grass
30-56 2% 0% 0%
Skiddo Skiddo
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 20% 0%
Yamper Yamper
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 10% 0%
Gogoat Gogoat
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 10% 0%
Pidgeot Pidgeot
Grass Grass
36-56 0% 4% 0%
Boltund Boltund
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 2% 0%
Rattata Rattata
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 40%
Thievul Thievul
Grass Grass
20-56 0% 0% 14%
Raticate Raticate
Grass Grass
40-55 0% 0% 10%
Nickit Nickit
Grass Grass
5-56 0% 0% 10%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 0% 10%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 0% 10%
Ariados Ariados
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 0% 5%
Dustox Dustox
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 0% 1%

Northern Dream District

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Tranquill Tranquill
Grass Grass
30-54 20% 0% 0%
Skwovet Skwovet
Grass Grass
40-56 20% 0% 0%
Leavanny Leavanny
Grass Grass
20-56 20% 20% 0%
Forretress Forretress
Grass Grass
40-55 10% 0% 0%
Lillipup Lillipup
Grass Grass
10-56 10% 0% 0%
Greedent Greedent
Grass Grass
55-57 5% 0% 0%
Unfezant Unfezant
Grass Grass
36-56 9% 0% 0%
Togedemaru Togedemaru
Grass Grass
30-56 4% 34% 0%
Stoutland Stoutland
Grass Grass
30-56 2% 0% 0%
Skiddo Skiddo
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 20% 0%
Yamper Yamper
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 10% 0%
Gogoat Gogoat
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 10% 0%
Pidgeot Pidgeot
Grass Grass
36-56 0% 4% 0%
Boltund Boltund
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 2% 0%
Rattata Rattata
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 40%
Thievul Thievul
Grass Grass
20-56 0% 0% 14%
Raticate Raticate
Grass Grass
40-55 0% 0% 10%
Nickit Nickit
Grass Grass
5-56 0% 0% 10%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 0% 10%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 0% 10%
Ariados Ariados
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 0% 5%
Dustox Dustox
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 0% 1%
Fishing and Surfing
Clauncher Clauncher
Surfing Surfing
31-50 60%
Mantine Mantine
Surfing Surfing
30-54 34%
Bruxish Bruxish
Surfing Surfing
31-55 6%
Goldeen Goldeen
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 70%
Clauncher Clauncher
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 30%
Clauncher Clauncher
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45 60%
Goldeen Goldeen
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45 20%
Seaking Seaking
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45-46 20%
Gastrodon Gastrodon
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-66 40%
Whiscash Whiscash
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-65 40%
Quagsire Quagsire
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-65 15%
Clawitzer Clawitzer
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
60-90 5%

Central Square

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Tranquill Tranquill
Grass Grass
30-54 20% 0% 0%
Skwovet Skwovet
Grass Grass
40-56 20% 0% 0%
Leavanny Leavanny
Grass Grass
20-56 20% 20% 0%
Forretress Forretress
Grass Grass
40-55 10% 0% 0%
Lillipup Lillipup
Grass Grass
10-56 10% 0% 0%
Greedent Greedent
Grass Grass
55-57 5% 0% 0%
Unfezant Unfezant
Grass Grass
36-56 9% 0% 0%
Togedemaru Togedemaru
Grass Grass
30-56 4% 34% 0%
Stoutland Stoutland
Grass Grass
30-56 2% 0% 0%
Skiddo Skiddo
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 20% 0%
Yamper Yamper
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 10% 0%
Gogoat Gogoat
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 10% 0%
Pidgeot Pidgeot
Grass Grass
36-56 0% 4% 0%
Boltund Boltund
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 2% 0%
Rattata Rattata
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 40%
Thievul Thievul
Grass Grass
20-56 0% 0% 14%
Raticate Raticate
Grass Grass
40-55 0% 0% 10%
Nickit Nickit
Grass Grass
5-56 0% 0% 10%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 0% 10%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 0% 10%
Ariados Ariados
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 0% 5%
Dustox Dustox
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 0% 1%
Special Pokémon
Slurpuff Slurpuff
Roserade Trade
Same Level as the Traded Pokemon One
Riolu Riolu
Gift Gift
5 One

Shopping District

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Tranquill Tranquill
Grass Grass
30-54 20% 0% 0%
Skwovet Skwovet
Grass Grass
40-56 20% 0% 0%
Leavanny Leavanny
Grass Grass
20-56 20% 20% 0%
Forretress Forretress
Grass Grass
40-55 10% 0% 0%
Lillipup Lillipup
Grass Grass
10-56 10% 0% 0%
Greedent Greedent
Grass Grass
55-57 5% 0% 0%
Unfezant Unfezant
Grass Grass
36-56 9% 0% 0%
Togedemaru Togedemaru
Grass Grass
30-56 4% 34% 0%
Stoutland Stoutland
Grass Grass
30-56 2% 0% 0%
Skiddo Skiddo
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 20% 0%
Yamper Yamper
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 10% 0%
Gogoat Gogoat
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 10% 0%
Pidgeot Pidgeot
Grass Grass
36-56 0% 4% 0%
Boltund Boltund
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 2% 0%
Rattata Rattata
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 40%
Thievul Thievul
Grass Grass
20-56 0% 0% 14%
Raticate Raticate
Grass Grass
40-55 0% 0% 10%
Nickit Nickit
Grass Grass
5-56 0% 0% 10%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 0% 10%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 0% 10%
Ariados Ariados
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 0% 5%
Dustox Dustox
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 0% 1%

Residential District

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Tranquill Tranquill
Grass Grass
30-54 20% 0% 0%
Skwovet Skwovet
Grass Grass
40-56 20% 0% 0%
Leavanny Leavanny
Grass Grass
20-56 20% 20% 0%
Forretress Forretress
Grass Grass
40-55 10% 0% 0%
Lillipup Lillipup
Grass Grass
10-56 10% 0% 0%
Greedent Greedent
Grass Grass
55-57 5% 0% 0%
Unfezant Unfezant
Grass Grass
36-56 9% 0% 0%
Togedemaru Togedemaru
Grass Grass
30-56 4% 34% 0%
Stoutland Stoutland
Grass Grass
30-56 2% 0% 0%
Skiddo Skiddo
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 20% 0%
Yamper Yamper
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 10% 0%
Gogoat Gogoat
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 10% 0%
Pidgeot Pidgeot
Grass Grass
36-56 0% 4% 0%
Boltund Boltund
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 2% 0%
Rattata Rattata
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 40%
Thievul Thievul
Grass Grass
20-56 0% 0% 14%
Raticate Raticate
Grass Grass
40-55 0% 0% 10%
Nickit Nickit
Grass Grass
5-56 0% 0% 10%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 0% 10%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 0% 10%
Ariados Ariados
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 0% 5%
Dustox Dustox
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 0% 1%
Fishing and Surfing
Clauncher Clauncher
Surfing Surfing
31-50 60%
Mantine Mantine
Surfing Surfing
30-54 34%
Bruxish Bruxish
Surfing Surfing
31-55 6%
Goldeen Goldeen
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 70%
Clauncher Clauncher
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 30%
Clauncher Clauncher
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45 60%
Goldeen Goldeen
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45 20%
Seaking Seaking
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45-46 20%
Gastrodon Gastrodon
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-66 40%
Whiscash Whiscash
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-65 40%
Quagsire Quagsire
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-65 15%
Clawitzer Clawitzer
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
60-90 5%
Special Pokémon
Petilil Petilil
Interact Interact
40 Five

Judicial District

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Spearow Spearow
Grass Grass
30-56 40% 40% 0%
Growlithe Growlithe
Grass Grass
20-56 30% 30% 0%
Sunkern Sunkern
Grass Grass
10-56 10% 10% 0%
Sunflora Sunflora
Grass Grass
30-57 12% 12% 0%
Fearow Fearow
Grass Grass
36-56 8% 8% 0%
Rattata Rattata
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 40%
Raticate Raticate
Grass Grass
20-56 0% 0% 20%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Grass Grass
5-56 0% 0% 20%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 0% 10%
Ariados Ariados
Grass Grass
36-56 0% 0% 9%
Dustox Dustox
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 0% 1%
Special Pokémon
Skiploom Skiploom
Interact Interact
50 Three
Jumpluff Jumpluff
Interact Interact
60 One
Tynamo Tynamo
Attract with Gourmet Treat Treat
30 Eight

Axis High District

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Chatot Chatot
Grass Grass
30-56 29% 4% 0%
Skiddo Skiddo
Grass Grass
40-56 20% 20% 0%
Leavanny Leavanny
Grass Grass
20-56 20% 20% 0%
Forretress Forretress
Grass Grass
40-55 10% 0% 0%
Lillipup Lillipup
Grass Grass
10-56 10% 0% 0%
Gogoat Gogoat
Grass Grass
55-57 5% 10% 0%
Togedemaru Togedemaru
Grass Grass
30-56 4% 34% 0%
Stoutland Stoutland
Grass Grass
30-56 2% 0% 0%
Electrike Electrike
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 10% 0%
Manectric Manectric
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 2% 0%
Rattata Rattata
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 40%
Raticate Raticate
Grass Grass
20-56 0% 0% 20%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Grass Grass
5-56 0% 0% 20%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 0% 10%
Ariados Ariados
Grass Grass
36-56 0% 0% 9%
Dustox Dustox
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 0% 1%
Special Pokémon
Chatot Chatot
Premier Ball Event
45 One
Darumaka Darumaka
Premier Ball Event
10 One
Stufful Stufful
Premier Ball Event
30 One
Wishiwashi Wishiwashi
Premier Ball Event
10 One
Horsea Horsea
Premier Ball Event
10 One

Scholar District

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Voltorb Voltorb
Grass Grass
30-54 20% 20% 0%
Mr. Mime Mr. Mime
Grass Grass
40-56 20% 20% 0%
Leavanny Leavanny
Grass Grass
20-56 20% 20% 0%
Electrode Electrode
Grass Grass
40-55 10% 10% 0%
Lillipup Lillipup
Grass Grass
10-56 10% 0% 0%
Greedent Greedent
Grass Grass
55-57 5% 0% 0%
Unfezant Unfezant
Grass Grass
56 5% 0% 0%
Magnemite Magnemite
Grass Grass
36-56 4% 4% 0%
Magneton Magneton
Grass Grass
55-56 4% 4% 0%
Stoutland Stoutland
Grass Grass
30-56 2% 0% 0%
Yamper Yamper
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 10% 0%
Gogoat Gogoat
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 10% 0%
Boltund Boltund
Grass Grass
30-55 0% 2% 0%
Koffing Koffing
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 40%
Thievul Thievul
Grass Grass
20-56 0% 0% 14%
Weezing Weezing
Grass Grass
40-56 0% 0% 11%
Nickit Nickit
Grass Grass
5-56 0% 0% 10%
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Grass Grass
10-56 0% 0% 10%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
55-57 0% 0% 10%
Musharna Musharna
Grass Grass
30-56 0% 0% 5%

