Tutor Moves

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Tutor Moves
Move Type Category Location Price
After You Normal Status Unavailable
Agility Psychic Status Unavailable
Air Cutter Flying Special Unavailable
Ally Switch Psychic Status Unavailable
Amnesia Psychic Status Unavailable
Ancient Power Rock Special Unavailable
Aqua Tail Water Physical Teila Resort 4 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Aura Sphere Fighting Special Unavailable
Baton Pass Normal Status Unavailable
Bind Normal Physical Magnolia Library 1 Red Shard Red Shard
Blaze Kick Fire Physical Unavailable
Block Normal Status Magnolia Library 2 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Body Press Fighting Physical Unavailable
Body Slam Normal Physical Unavailable
Bounce Flying Physical Akuwa Town 2 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Brave Bird Flying Physical Unavailable
Bug Bite Bug Physical Ranger HQ 3 Green Shards Green Shard
Bug Buzz Bug Special Unavailable
Close Combat Fighting Physical Unavailable
Cosmic Power Psychic Status Unavailable
Covet Normal Physical Magnolia Library 1 Blue Shard Blue Shard
Crunch Dark Physical Unavailable
Darkest Lariat Dark Physical Unavailable
Defog Flying Status Unavailable
Dragon Dance Dragon Status Unavailable
Dragon Pulse Dragon Special Kingdom of Goomidra 1 Big Mushroom Big Mushroom
Drain Punch Fighting Physical Axis High University 3 Red Shards Red Shard
Drill Run Ground Physical Kingdom of Goomidra 3 Big Mushrooms Big Mushroom
Dual Chop Dragon Physical Magnolia Library 2 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Earth Power Ground Special Axis High University 3 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Electro Ball Electric Special Unavailable
Electroweb Electric Special Teila Resort 3 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Encore Normal Status Unavailable
Endeavor Normal Physical Axis High University 3 Green Shards Green Shard
Endure Normal Status Unavailable
Fire Pledge Fire Special Akuwa Town 3 Red Shards Red Shard
Fire Pledge Fire Special Axis High University 3 Red Shards Red Shard
Fire Punch Fire Physical Axis High University 2 Red Shards Red Shard
Flare Blitz Fire Physical Unavailable
Focus Energy Normal Status Unavailable
Focus Punch Fighting Physical Axis High University 3 Red Shards Red Shard
Foul Play Dark Physical Neo East Gearen City 6 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Fury Cutter Bug Physical Unavailable
Future Sight Psychic Special Unavailable
Gastro Acid Poison Status Kingdom of Goomidra 1 TinyMushroom TinyMushroom
Giga Drain Grass Special Ranger HQ 3 Green Shards Green Shard
Grass Pledge Grass Special Akuwa Town 3 Green Shards Green Shard
Grass Pledge Grass Special Axis High University 3 Green Shards Green Shard
Gravity Psychic Status Hiyoshi City 2 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Gunk Shot Poison Physical Unavailable
Headbutt Normal Physical Unavailable
Heal Bell Normal Status Unavailable
Heat Crash Fire Physical Unavailable
Heat Wave Fire Special Sashila Village 6 Red Shards Red Shard
Heavy Slam Steel Physical Unavailable
Helping Hand Normal Status Magnolia Library 1 Yellow Shard Yellow Shard
High Horsepower Ground Physical Unavailable
Hurricane Flying Special Unavailable
Hydro Pump Water Special Unavailable
Hyper Voice Normal Special Grand Express 4 Red Shards Red Shard
Ice Punch Ice Physical Axis High University 2 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Icy Wind Ice Special Kingdom of Goomidra 1 Big Mushroom Big Mushroom
Imprison Psychic Status Unavailable
Iron Defense Steel Status Unavailable
Iron Head Steel Physical Neo East Gearen City 5 Red Shards Red Shard
Iron Tail Steel Physical Axis High University 4 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Knock Off Dark Physical Neo East Gearen City 5 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Laser Focus Normal Status Unavailable
Last Resort Normal Physical Neo East Gearen City 5 Red Shards Red Shard
Leaf Blade Grass Physical Unavailable
Leaf Storm Grass Special Unavailable
Liquidation Water Physical Kingdom of Goomidra 2 Big Mushrooms Big Mushroom
Low Kick Fighting Physical Neo East Gearen City 3 Green Shards Green Shard
Magic Coat Psychic Status Teila Resort 3 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Magic Room Psychic Status Unavailable
Magnet Rise Electric Status Hiyoshi City 2 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Megahorn Bug Physical Unavailable
Mud Barrage Ground Physical Unavailable
Mud-Slap Ground Special Unavailable
Muddy Water Water Special Unavailable
Nasty Plot Dark Status Unavailable
Ominous Wind Ghost Special Unavailable
Outrage Dragon Physical Neo East Gearen City 7 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Pain Split Normal Status Sashila Village 4 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Play Rough Fairy Physical Unavailable
Pollen Puff Bug Special Unavailable
Power Gem Rock Special Unavailable
Power Whip Grass Physical Unavailable
Psychic Fangs Psychic Physical Unavailable
Recycle Normal Status Hiyoshi City 2 Green Shards Green Shard
Revenge Fighting Physical Unavailable
Reversal Fighting Physical Unavailable
Role Play Psychic Status Unavailable
Rollout Rock Physical Unavailable
Roost Flying Status Unavailable
Seed Bomb Grass Physical Kingdom of Goomidra 1 TinyMushroom TinyMushroom
Shock Wave Electric Special Akuwa Town 3 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Signal Beam Bug Special Ranger HQ 3 Green Shards Green Shard
Skill Swap Psychic Status Hiyoshi City 2 Green Shards Green Shard
Sky Attack Flying Physical Hiyoshi City 3 Red Shards Red Shard
Snatch Dark Status Unavailable
Snore Normal Special Akuwa Town 2 Red Shards Red Shard
Spikes Ground Status Unavailable
Spite Ghost Status Goldenleaf Town 2 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Stealth Rock Rock Status Unavailable
Stomp Tantrum Ground Physical Kingdom of Goomidra 3 Big Mushrooms Big Mushroom
Stored Power Psychic Special Unavailable
String Shot Bug Status Unavailable
Super Fang Normal Physical Magnolia Library 2 Red Shards Red Shard
Superpower Fighting Physical Unavailable
Swift Normal Special Unavailable
Synthesis Grass Status Ranger HQ 3 Green Shards Green Shard
Tailwind Flying Status Unavailable
Telekinesis Psychic Status Unavailable
Throat Chop Dark Physical Neo East Gearen City 4 Red Shards Red Shard
Thunder Punch Electric Physical Axis High University 2 Yellow Shards Yellow Shard
Toxic Spikes Poison Status Unavailable
Trick Psychic Status Goldenleaf Town 3 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Twister Dragon Special Unavailable
Uproar Normal Special Sheridan Village 2 Green Shards Green Shard
Venom Drench Poison Status Unavailable
Water Pledge Water Special Akuwa Town 3 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Water Pledge Water Special Axis High University 3 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Water Pulse Water Special Akuwa Town 2 Blue Shards Blue Shard
Wonder Room Psychic Status Unavailable
Worry Seed Grass Status Sheridan Village 2 Red Shards Red Shard
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical Kingdom of Goomidra 3 Big Mushrooms Big Mushroom
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical Sashila Village 4 Green Shards Green Shard