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"I was going to let you guys find it on your own so you'd feel accomplished, or whatever... But now I'm gonna spoil it."

Whoa there, buckaroo!
This page contains some pretty heavy spoilers for the game and might ruin the surprise for some things for you,
so continue reading at your own risk!

Rune is a young and meticulous woman from Grand Dream City and the older sister of Huey. She's a former friend of Flora, and was employed as a teacher at Axis High University until she went missing a few months before the arrival of the Protagonist in Grand Dream City.


Rune like her brother has light pinkish red hair with red eyes, she wears a "Traditional" teacher outfit with a brown overcoat with white sleeves and white skirt. Nothing else of note is in her appearance as she is quite rarely seen.


Rune was kind and an intelligent person, so intelligent in fact that she was once an undercover detective who investigated the original team xen. She was a brilliant teacher who was loved by all her students and according to Huey had no enemies.


She was once an undercover detective who investigated the original team xen and their leader, Lord Xenadin, under the alias "Freya" in the Miera Region, when the nuclear plant there exploded she somehow ended up in the Voidal Chasm with Huey, she was found by Flora and recruited by Thomas Blakeory Sr. as a teacher when he realized her brilliance, said person was also responsible for pressuring her and blackmailing her into rigging the axis high tech competition's results and thus sent out the chain of events that led to some of the Events during Act 2. She also has a dark secret that would greatly upset Huey, said secret hasn't been revealed yet.



Rune's relationship was mostly loving and caring, they both had no one but each other hence bonded. However she began to neglect Huey when she became obsessed with her investigation even then she loved Huey and wanted the best for him, however they got in a huge fight right before her disappearance with Huey dismissingly saying "I hate you" which she reply's with "I love you, Huey"


Rune's relationship with flora was a healthy friendship, ever since flora helped her out of voidal chasm they had grown a lot closer to each other and liked being in company of each other. This was until flora revealed that she was the leader of bladestar and offered Rune to join her, of course she denied saying "I already have enough on my mind, I can't run around playing terrorist", after which Flora blackmails her into keeping all of this a secret saying that she'll reveal her deepest darkest secret to Huey after which Rune ends their friendship. despite this its revealed that flora still really cares about Rune and she'd never do anything to hurt her former friend.

