Chapter 9 - No Time Left To Lose

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Chapter 9 - No Time Left To Lose is the ninth chapter of Rejuvenation and the first chapter of the second act of the game. With Team Xen stopped for the foreseeable future, the group has some time to catch their breath and relax, but someone in the gang still has a mission they must fulfill.

Chapter Summary

An Unexpected Destination

After her defeat, Amber invites the Protagonist for a talk, but they're quickly interrupted by Venam, who's looking for Melia. The Protagonist and Venam follow a lead into Valor Mountain and there they find their friend, behind the previously locked mysterious door in the mountain. Melia informs the two that she is leaving to complete some mission, but, after some heart to heart, she agrees to take her two friends. Touching a crystal behind her, the three get teleported to some unknown city, which Melia explains is actually Kugearen City, the city that once existed 50 years ago, before the calamity hit the region. Taking us further north, through the past Route 3, the three arrive at Amberette Town and meet Irvin. He and Melia then explain what happened. When Melia was being chased by Zetta in the Amethyst Cave, time stopped, and from a portal came two people who offered her a choice: either do nothing and be caught, or go with them and take part of something greater. Melia eventually accepted and ended up joining the Storm Chasers, a group of people rescued from different times by the two women and given training and missions in order to prevent the second coming of the calamity. Crescent also used to work with them, but apparently went rogue some time after recruiting Melia.

Eventually, the group meets Kanon, another recruit, who is thrilled to meet Melia again. After lunch and some misunderstandings, Venam and the Protagonist hear a scream outside of town and rush to help. They find a woman being attacked by wild Pokémon, who invites the pair to their house after being saved. However, the two immediately recognize the house they're being invited to: the mansion in the sewers where they were trapped prior.

The Mystery of a Family

The woman, named Anathea, introduces herself and her daughter Maria and her husband Vitus, with his Gardevoir sending Anathea away. Venam is suspicious of the man and so the two follow him to the city, where they find out the past's Mr Blakeory threatens to evict Vitus and his family. Making their way back, the Protagonist spies on a suspicious police officer and follows them, discovering a plot by the Gardevoir to bribe some police officers and destroy the house. After the talk, the Gardevoir engages the Protagonist and after the battle puts them to sleep.

The mansion's portrait puzzle, representing Maria/Marianette.

At the mansion, Vitus and Venam watch as the officers being to demolish the Theolia's house, but the plan goes awry and they accidently kill Anathea. The Gardevoir then gets rid of the officers, before mocking Venam with the fact that her friend is lost somewhere. In their sleep, the Protagonist first sees Kanon proceed with some sort of plan, and is then awakened by Venam, who explains what happened and proposes they leave that time entirely with Melia. In the city, though, they find out that the Gardevoir also kidnapped Maria. Vowing to stop the evil Pokémon, they change their mind and rush back to the mansion to try and help.

Save the City

Inside the mansion, the ghost of Anathea is apparently trapped in the Soul Stone and asks for help to save her daughter. After solving some puzzles with statues and portraits, they find a way into an underground area, where they find a massive amount of maids and a surviving police officer, apparently before he's killed in some ritual. Before the pair can act, however, they find out Kanon had infiltrated the ritual and planned to put a wrench in Gardevoir's plans, but she easily gets rid of the boy and his Salamence. After learning that Gardevoir tasked a maid with carrying an explosive orb to the city and managing to save the police officer, but with no signs of Maria, Venam and the Protagonist escape and rush to stop the explosive.

Back in the city, and somehow having found a living Kanon, the three friends try to find the maid, but are unsuccessful: the blast destroys and everything and supposedly kills them. However, a scene shows Madame X being able to rewind time, choosing to save the Protagonist because she still "needs them". This time the Protagonist knows where to go and they manage to stop the maid in time. Delivering the orb to Irvin, who places it in the care of Spacea and Tiempa, the day appears to be saved and the gang goes to sleep. In the middle of the night, though, Kanon is ambushed in his room and taken somewhere.

Onto West Gearen

In the morning, the group finds out what happened - Spacea and Tiempa prepared a new test: Kanon and the orb were taken into West Gearen City, and if the group does not save him in the coming days, they'll be punished and lose their memory of the events in the past. The Storm Chaser sent to help, Karrina, does not trust the group and instead prefers to do everything by herself, to which they respond by knocking her out and taking her boat's keys. Using a hidden crystal that takes them back to East Gearen City in the present, Venam, Melia and the Protagonist use Karrina's boat and arrive at the western part of the city.

The arena where Erick fights the Protagonist.

Entering the sewers near the port, the group meets Erick, who is Saki's friend and responsible for the sewers. He tells them he did see Kanon go inside to try and solve some problem they're having, but he's lost contact with the boy. The Protagonist, watched by the rest of the group through a screen, descends into the sewers and finds out what is wrong: a massive Garbodor is roaming the hallways and kidnapping people. In the bottom room of the sewers, they find the Garbodor and his victims, including Kanon, which Melia recognizes as the Garbodor that helped them so long ago against Zetta, now turned into a Rift Pokémon. After defeating it, and regardless if it is saved by the Protagonist's actions or not, the sewers are safe once again and everyone moves to Erick's house to play some games.

After some banter, Erick challenges the Protagonist to a Gym Battle back in the sewers, and, after being defeated, rewards the Protagonist with the Pulse Badge. Immediately after, Karrina returns and congratulates the group for solving the test. To the group she underestimated, she proposes a new adventure: leaving for Grand Dream City to help solve a crisis where people are apparently turning to stone.

Before the chapter ends, there is a final scenes showing Cera managing to unfreeze Angie, who vows to freeze the world and awaken something yet unknown.

Locations of Interest


  • The maid with the explosive orb that the group stops mentions that she is giving up on her current job and "opening a bakery far away". In fact, in the present day's Darchlight Village, there is an older woman who owns a bakery and recognizes the Protagonist from that event many years ago, confirming that it is the same person. This character is also apparently the mother of Patty and Particia.