Forest of Time

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Forest Description

The Forest of Time is a location accessed by entering the big door at the peak of Valor Mountain. It is only accessible after Chapter 8. The Forest of Time introduces the Timesplicer Stone and access to Past Aevium. The Timesplicer Stone in this location leads directly to Kugearan City.


Item Location
Reverse Candy.png Reverse Candy Grass patch up the right back side of the big tree in the middle of the natural bridge up the entrance (hidden)
Calcium.png Calcium Lower left side of the lower right medium tree at the upper right corner before the long stairs (hidden)
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Upper left corner before the long stairs ☀
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell End the top left water path ☀
TM Flying.png TM40 Aerial Ace At the top floating island taking the top right water path, requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws


Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Snover Snover
Grass Grass
51-55 35%
Beautifly Beautifly
Grass Grass
49-54 25%
Cubchoo Cubchoo
Grass Grass
51-52 12%
Butterfree Butterfree
Grass Grass
51-53 10%
Beartic Beartic
Grass Grass
51-53 10%
Abomasnow Abomasnow
Grass Grass
51-52 4%
Klang Klang
Grass Grass
51-55 4%
Headbutt Tree
Cascoon Cascoon
Headbutt Headbutt
45 30%
Beautifly Beautifly
Headbutt Headbutt
51-52 25%
Crabrawler Crabrawler
Headbutt Headbutt
49-52 25%
Dustox Dustox
Headbutt Headbutt
51-53 10%
Butterfree Butterfree
Headbutt Headbutt
52-56 5%
Pineco Pineco
Headbutt Headbutt
55-56 4%
Forretress Forretress
Headbutt Headbutt
52-54 1%