Karma Files

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KarmaFiles 01.png

.Karma Files is an intermission chapter officially part of Chapter 15 - Vague Clarity. It details the events that take place during the month prior to the planned Xen Raid, and can be skipped on subsequent playthroughs. The content of this chapter is almost entirely dependant on which route the player chose, Paragon or Renegade.

Chapter Summary

The Power Inside Us

The chapter begins with Erin informing the Protagonist that the next step in the plan involves them heading back into Zeight to finally wake up Adrest with the 3 components. Once inside, before anything can be done, Crescent shows up, having learned of the fact that the Protagonist is a different soul inhabiting the body of her former friend and demanding they leave. Crescent reveals she also possesses the power of the Interceptor, and the two have a battle.

From this point onward, events differ due to route taken:

After the Protagonist defeats the girl, Nancy conjures the souls of her friends, which live inside the Protagonist, to comfort her, and promise to give her a chance to make a new life in the present. Crescent finally admits defeat and allows the Protagonist to proceed with their mission.

After waking up Adrest, he confirms that the Archtype is now fully awakened inside the Protagonist, and recounts the story of the world that led to the present situation. However, after Crescent mentions Variya having appeared before them, Adrest grows increasingly agitated, swearing that what the girl said is impossible. Before he can continue, the screen turns to black and the player finds themselves in a glitched out and corrupted version of the Zeight. The player finds Adrest again, who is being corrupted and deleted by someone he does not name and, before disappearing, leaves "something" hidden and encrypted inside Zeight for the Protagonist to find.

The Protagonist leaves Zeight to show their friends their newly acquired powers and Melia goes to congratulate them. However, Melia starts repeating the same words over and over and reality starts glitching out, with the screen cutting to black.

The Failed World

The player regains control in a black and white setting, walking up to Melia, who seems to not know where she is or who she is talking to. The player, playing as the Protagonist character they chose at the beggining of the game, explains how Melia passed out before and apparently lost her memories. They've been travelling in that world for around 6 years alone, with the Protagonist having left the body they once occupied. However, it appears that the Melia currently awake is a different version of the Melia that traveled that world. While exploring, they find out the previous Melia had a diary on her, where they learn that she got stuck there after the planned assault on Team Xen's base, where the Protagonist apparently betrayed everyone, and was losing her mind from wandering the world where time didn't flow. The two continue exploring, but the scene is cut short by Melia and the Protagonist of the present waking up.

Melia recounts what she went through to the Protagonist, and asks to be let into Zeight so she can talk to them in private. Once there, Melia explains what happened to Nancy, who has no idea what could have happened. The two then make it back. The next day, they return to Zeight, only to notice it has changed, and now features representations of the Protagonist's friends, which Nancy theorizes holds the key to the data Adrest hid. Back in Sashila, Erin notes the appearance of encrypted files, which she gets to decoding as soon as possible. Before that is done, however, she plans a day out with everyone into the city, with Crescent being invited.

Bonding and Preparation

The group spends a day off in the city, allowing Crescent to warm up to everyone. The following days are then spent deepening the Protagonist's bonds with his friends and known ones, not only for the sake of unlocking Adrest's data, but also to strengthen the group's unity. Increasing the bond with Ren, Aelita, Erin, Alexandra, Alice and Allen and Crescent unlocks more and more information.

One day, Melia has an idea for practice, including pitting the Protagonist against representations of all their friends in a gauntlet battle, to study wether or not they have the power to stop their friend in case something goes wrong. After the Protagonist defeats everyone, Melia confirms that they're as powerful as they can be, and uses the power of Zeight, which she has been studying in depth, to grant the Protagonist the True Obliteration Spell. After this event, a short scene shows Spacea and Tiempa, who seem to be displeased with the flow of events.

Some days later, the Protagonist, Melia and Crescent have a plan set in motion. The 3 travel to Amberette Town and Melia talks to Irvin about Erin, revealing that he was the one who found her after she escaped the Unown Dimension. However, Spacea wouldn't let him have her, and eventually got her killed. Irvin tried to travel back to save her, but was never capable, and resigned to giving her up. Melia asks Irvin to open the door to Spacea and Tiempa, and the three make it inside.

Coming face to face with the 2 deities, they condemn Melia to execution and engage the Protagonist in a battle with their true forms, as Dialga and Palkia. Eventually, they are defeated, but Spacea refuses to give up on the promise they made to Variya and, with the use of her powers, the screen fades to black again.

Melia and the player are back in the future, this time exploring a new tower. At the top, they encounter a computer housing a certain entity that speaks about "other versions". Frustrated, Melia rages at the entity, which finally gives in and concedes that there is a way for them to return. Making their way to the bottom of the tower, the pair find a gate that they intrinsically know can return them home. However, the Protagonist's version in this world is unable to follow Melia, seeing as they'd overlap with the Protagonist over there. Melia promisses to return for them and leaves for her own time.

Everything Revealed

Back in the present, all of Adrest's information has been decrypted, including information on an AI entity that controls the fate of the world, deeming it worthy or unworthy to continue. The group immediately loses the will to fight, knowing that whatever they do, the world's fate is already decided. However, Crescent counterargues with the Interceptor Effect, which allows the Interceptor to challenge fate. This is enough to raise the group's morale again, as the day of the raid on Team Xen is fast approaching.

Later, Crescent calls Melia and the Protagonist and confesses that she made everything about the Interceptor Effect up. Willing to help now, Crescent gives Melia the real form of Zetta she'd been keeping and the chapter ends.

After the Protagonist defeats the girl, she is left to wallow in her defeat as the Protagonist moves on to awaken Adrest.

After waking up Adrest, he confirms that the Archtype is now fully awakened inside the Protagonist, and recounts the story of the world that led to the present situation. However, after the Protagonist mentions Variya having appeared before them, Adrest grows increasingly agitated, swearing that what they said is impossible. Before he can continue, the screen turns to black and the player finds themselves in a very glitched out and corrupted version of the Zeight. The player finds Adrest again, who is being corrupted and deleted by someone he does not name and, before disappearing, tries to leave "something" hidden and encrypted inside Zeight for the Protagonist to find. However, the Protagonist ignores his help and abandons Adrest. Once back in Zeight, they leave without explaining anything to Nancy.

The Protagonist leaves Zeight to show their friends their newly acquired powers and Melia goes to congratulate them. However, Melia starts repeating the same words over and over and reality starts glitching out, with the screen cutting to black.

The Failed World

The player regains control in a black and white setting, controlling the Protagonist character they chose at the beginning of the game, with Melia next to them mentioning how she hates the face of the one who betrayed her. Although Melia is hopeless, the two explore the changing world. Eventually, they make it back to the beggining and Melia finally snaps, proclaiming that, if they can't even die in that world, she will kill the player herself. The player attempts to run but is eventually caught, but, before Melia can finish the job, a massive screen in a nearby building turns on and an eye entity mentions that the two killing each other is not expected. After some mysterious sentences, the entity interferes with time and the two wake up in their present time.

Melia attempts to kill the Protagonist, but realizes that is not in her best interest, so she decides to collaborate with them in their destructive quest. Back in Zeight, Melia explains how she isn't the Melia everyone knew anymore, and formally introduces herself as M2. She promptly eliminates Nancy and announces her collaboration with the Protagonist. However, she has a list of people who wronged Melia that she wants revenge on, asking the Protagonist to help her.

The New Melia

Although a different version of Melia, M2 still respects her old friends, and agrees to go on a date with Venam, inviting the Protagonist along. However, M2 has no romantic feelings for Venam, and ends up hurting her friend. Regardless of her actions, M2 wants to start eliminating the people who wronged her, starting with Karrina, and the two leave for Alamissa Urben. After cornering the girl, M2 gives her a chance to apologize, which she refuses. However, before Melia can execute her, the Protagonist utilizes their True Obliteration Spell, removing any traces of Karrina from existence and memory.

Back in Sashila Village, both the Protagonist and M2 ignore their previous friends and the group's meetings. The Protagonist has M2 find the legendary Uxie and proceeds to defeat it in order to take its Red Gem, but refuses to explain what for. The next day, M2 goes after Ren, as revenge for something he did in the future. Before she can eliminate him, however, Ren apologizes and M2 decides to spare him, only removing his memories of that day. She tries to bring him home, but a mysterious figure in full armor stops her and takes Ren away.

After these events, the Protagonist proceeds to hunt down Azelf and Mesprit, taking their Red Gems as well. Meanwhile, if Florin was killed, Talon, now with no one left in his life, starts hearing strange voices telling him to stop the Protagonist.

Erasing From Memory

While leaving Zeight, the Protagonist is stopped by Erin, who lets them know that they're being removed from the team, as they don't seem to care about the mission anymore. Unfazed, the Protagonist goes after M2, who's at the Central Building in Grand Dream City after having stolen some weapons. However, the building is quickly occupied by both a gang that M2 messed with and the police, forcing the two to keep climbing. At the top, they encounter Don Carto, the leader of the gang and, after defeating him in a battle, the Protagonist removes him from existence and memory. Before the two can leave the building, they're stopped by Talon (and Florin, if he is alive). After battling either the two friends, or Talon followed by Rift Talon, the Protagonist once again obliterates them from existence and memory, leaving even M2 disgusted at their actions.

The next time the Protagonist walks into Zeight, M2 mentions that her list is down to the final names: Spacea and Tiempa. M2 catches their attention by destroying part of Valor Mountain and the two invade their realm. Spacea and Tiempa try to resist and battle the Protagonist, but they're defeated and finally executed by M2.

Back at the Sashila base, M2 tries to spend some time relaxing, but her former friends force her to explain what has happened. M2 finally introduces herself to everyone, explaining how she was trapped in that future version for years, and storms off. Venam and Amber follow her into Zeight. There, as the Protagonist leaves, they're stopped by Kieran, who asks the Protagonist if they're really dedicated to destroying the world, to which the Protagonist agrees. Kieran reveals that that was staged to test their dedication, as Venam and Amber were behind the pillar and overheard everything. Shocked that the one they thought was their friend wants to destroy the world, they engage the Protagonist in a battle, but are swiftly defeated. As the Protagonist prepares to obliterate Venam, Amber jumps in front of her and takes the blast, removing her from existence.

Later, M2 confirms that she removed Venam's memory of the event, and finally understand how the Obliteration Spell means removing everyone's memories of someone from the world. After asking why the Protagonist is doing it, the Protagonist finally speaks at lenght, giving her a lengthy speech on her hypocrisy and explaining how their actions do not benefit themselves, only "them". The Protagonist then threatens her, before the screen turns black. One final scene shows {{Aelita]] talking with Venam after she wakes up confused at her lack of memories. As Aelita is leaving the Bad Karma eye glitches above her, she stops and apologizes after hearing what she thought was Venam saying stop, but she says no I didn't say anything, implying that Aelita is showing signs of hearing the same voices as Talon did, after which the chapter ends.


  • The Failed World scene in the Paragon Route seems to be directly after the equivalent scene in the Renegade Route, implying that the eye entity switched Melia and M2 between different alternatives of the world. The "normal" Melia, having spent almost no time in the ruined future and not having witnessed the traumatic event that M2 did, does not turn against the group and remains as herself.