SOS Pokémon

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SOS Pokémon are additional helper Pokémon sometimes called by Ruthless Pokémon.

General Mechanics

Ruthless Pokémon typically start calling SOS Pokémon when a certain number of shields are remaining. A new SOS Pokémon will be called every time an additional shield is broken. Only one SOS Pokémon can be on the field at a time.

Many Ruthless Pokémon can also call SOS Pokémon continuously. This means that in addition to calling an SOS Pokémon on shield break, a new SOS Pokémon will also be called at the end of every 3rd turn that has passed since the first SOS Pokémon was called.

  • Note that if the first SOS Pokémon was called on shield break, it counts the turn it was called.
  • If the Ruthless Pokémon faints at the end of the turn due to residual damage (Poison, etc.), the SOS Pokémon will still be called.

Most fights have a limit on the total number of SOS Pokémon that can be called, although some do not.

If a Ruthless Pokémon has multiple SOS Pokémon it can call, it will call them in order and then repeat if allowed.

All opposing Pokémon, including SOS Pokémon, must be KO-ed for the fight to end.

Edge Cases

Crobat (Furious Bat) has no shield requirement and calls SOS Pokémon continuously, meaning it will call its first SOS Pokémon at the end of the 1st turn.

Tapu Koko (Thunder Warrior) will call Charizard at the start of the battle on Magrodar Crater.

Spacea (Paragon) technically has a Minior set as her SOS Pokémon, but never uses it since she uses your Pokémon as her SOS Pokémon instead. She begins calling SOS Pokémon continuously after her last shield is broken every 4th turn after your first Pokémon is taken.