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"I was going to let you guys find it on your own so you'd feel accomplished, or whatever... But now I'm gonna spoil it."

Whoa there, buckaroo!
This page contains some pretty heavy spoilers for the game and might ruin the surprise for some things for you,
so continue reading at your own risk!

Storm-9 is the calamity that tore through Aevium roughly 40 years prior to the main events of the game. Having been the cause of many major natural disasters such as tornadoes and earthquakes, it did so much damage that it split the once-whole region into an archipelago of islands, now known as the Floria, Terajuma, Terrial and Artrica regions. On top of that, the storm seemed to have life-draining properties as it is revealed in Chapter 15 that Nim is a physical manifestation of the disaster, who is known to drain the life energy of people if she stays around people for too long.