Storm-9 (ability)

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Storm-9 is a custom Ability made for Pokémon Rejuvenation. It is the exclusive Ability of the Storm-9 Wind.


Storm-9 summons a random weather effect in battle as soon as a Pokémon with Storm-9 enters the battle and will change the weather at the end of each turn to a random weather effect. The possible weather effects this ability can cause are:

Weather Activation Message
Rain Storm-9 created a downpour!
Hail Storm-9 brought hailfall!
Sandstorm Storm-9 whipped up a duststorm!
Strong Winds Storm-9 whipped up terrible winds!
Shadow Sky Storm-9 shrouded the sky in a dark aura...

Pokémon with Storm-9 are immune to all damage caused by weather (such as damage from Hail, Sandstorm or Shadow Sky) and will allow Strong Winds to be maintained on any Field without the natural weather being windy.

when used by a Pokémon with Storm-9 Weather Ball will target both opponents in a double Battle.

Outside of battle

Storm-9 has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Storm-9

Only the Storm-9 Wind has this Ability.