
From Rejuvenation Wiki
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Oh hi, didn't see you there.

Stuff I've Done

  • Revised every field effect page to be as accurate as it can possibly be as of v13.5 (seriously, right now it's more accurate than the field effect manual that gets provided with the game).
  • Found and documented a handful of bugs.
  • Updated a handful of moves to v13.5.
  • Updated every ability page to v13.5.
  • Redid the formatting for boss battle Pokemon for v13.5. Revised every Rift Pokemon page with new formatting.
  • Created a few new pages (Field Effects hub, SOS Pokemon, sidequests)
  • Updated most Pokemon images to v13.5.
  • Currently working my way through Ruthless Pokemon battles, sidequests, and updating major character battles to v13.5.
    • If anyone wants the Python script I use to auto-format the battles from the game files let me know.