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Hey, welcome to my user page! If you came from the Brave Frontier Wiki, nice meeting you here as well! You may find me here editing pages whenever I feel bored :P

I have a coding background, so I often like to dig through the files of the games I play as well as do modding whenever I feel like taking games to the next level. Rejuvenation is no exception to this either.

I'm also in the Reborn/Rejuvenation Discord server if you want to find me there.

"When I'm Bored" Segment

I modded V12 a fair bit, though I can't say I'm a good map designer whatsoever. Once I was completely done with V12, I decided to dip into using RPG Maker XP to mod in various endgame battles to provide myself a challenge. I've long abandoned this personal project of mine in favor of doing this for V13 among my group of friends. Want to see what I'm talking about? Here are some videos I recorded: