
From Rejuvenation Wiki
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Hii, I'm Vennexus, or you can just call me Ven, I'm one of the main contributors to the wiki. After the migration, I'm here to help write down the lore and important facts that will be helpful to the lore of Rejuvenation.

You can contact me on Discord @vennexus, because hey! We all have our privacy so no other social medias will be shared here! (We're on the internet after all)

While I do enjoy playing games every now and then, I really like to do 3D Modeling, Drawing, Graphic Designing, read novels and even listening to music. (No, I have no preferred band, but I like Lo-Fi)

When it comes to favorite characters, I really like Crescent because her history is pretty heavy but she needed time to open up, she feels relatable when talking to people and making friends. I also like Ren because he's one of the few male friends in the game and he's pretty chill with us, despite a few hiccups in the story.

I really enjoy Pokémon Rejuvenation so if there were any inconsistencies (Oh no, Eizen!) in the wiki, please tell me~