Azure Port

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Location Description

A small port operated by Bladestar south of Darchlight Woods.


Item Location
Max Repel.png Max Repel In front of the Bladestar grunt near the boat. (hidden)
Pearl.png Pearl 1 space down and 2 spaces left of the leftmost Bladestar grunt. (hidden)
Pearl.png Pearl Beside the crates near the inaccessible building to the lower right.(hidden)
Black Augurite.png Black Augurite Inside the only open building on the table.


Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Shroomish Shroomish
Grass Grass
45-53 30% 30% 0%
Misdreavus Misdreavus
Grass Grass
45-53 42% 0% 30%
Ponyta Ponyta
Grass Grass
45-52 20% 20% 0%
Skuntank Skuntank
Grass Grass
51-52 20% 20% 0%
Vullaby Vullaby
Grass Grass
50-51 9% 5% 0%
Shiinotic Shiinotic
Grass Grass
45-53 5% 26% 17%
Hatenna Hatenna
Grass Grass
42-55 4% 4% 0%
Foongus Foongus
Grass Grass
52-53 0% 20% 0%
Shiftry Shiftry
Grass Grass
50-52 0% 5% 0%
Murkrow Murkrow
Grass Grass
51-53 0% 0% 41%
Mismagius Mismagius
Grass Grass
50-52 0% 0% 25%
Amoonguss Amoonguss
Grass Grass
45-55 0% 0% 17%

