Get an Item

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The Get an Item quest can be started in Chapter 2 after gaining access to Sheridan Village. Completing this quest rewards the player with a Blue Moon Ice Cream, PokémonDollar.png1,890, a Casteliacone, and +1 Karma.


Enter Sheridan Help Plaza and accept the "Fetch an Item!" quest, then head to the Kecleon shop on Route 2. Attempt to steal the gold item on the right pedestal, or do the morally right thing and pay PokémonDollar.png20,000 for it (there is literally no benefit to doing this).

If you decided to steal it, head right in the Thief's Dungeon until you reach the three doors. Take the left door, then the right door, then the right door again to obtain a Dusk, Dawn, or Ice Stone (what you get is random).

Once you've escaped, return to Sheridan Help Plaza and talk to the guy in front of the door to get a Blue Moon Ice Cream (if you chose to steal) and complete the quest. Remember to grab the rest of your rewards from inside the Help Plaza.