Mirage Town

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"Humor me for a moment. Have you come across things in your numerous journeys that have felt off?"


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Location Description

Places of Interest

Mirage Cave


Requires Cut / Golden Axe for access.

Mirage Town

Item Location
Itemfinder.png Itemfinder Inside the bottom house
Steam Ball.png Steam Ball Inside the top left house

Mirage Cave

Item Location
TM Dark.png TM66 Payback By the entrance
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell By the entrance ☀


At the Mirage Cave, there is a dark void, if the move Flash is used a battle will start, when the battle is over a Zubat will join the team, it knows the move Brave Bird.

Mirage Cave

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Zubat Zubat
Premier Ball Event
5 One


Trainer Pokémon
PokeGang Crobat
PokeGang Crobat
Zubat Zubat/ Lv.30
No item
Zubat Zubat/ Lv.30
No item
Zubat Zubat/ Lv.30
No item
Zubat Zubat/ Lv.30
No item
Crobat Crobat/ Lv.40
No item

Trainer Pokémon
PokeGang Crobat
PokeGang Crobat
Zubat Zubat/ Lv.33
No item
Zubat Zubat/ Lv.33
No item
Zubat Zubat/ Lv.33
No item
Zubat Zubat/ Lv.33
No item
Crobat Crobat/ Lv.48
No item
