Mirage Woods

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"Humor me for a moment. Have you come across things in your numerous journeys that have felt off?"


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Location Description

Places of Interest

Mirage Cave


Requires Cut / Golden Axe for access.

Item Location


Mirage Woods

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Kecleon Kecleon
Grass Grass
23-27 32%
Spritzee Spritzee
Grass Grass
23-25 32%
Stantler Stantler
Grass Grass
24-25 25%
Doduo Doduo
Grass Grass
25-26 9%
Zangoose Zangoose
Grass Grass
24-25 2%
Fishing and Surfing
Surskit Surskit
Surfing Surfing
36,38 65%
Lumineon Lumineon
Surfing Surfing
36,38 32%
Masquerain Masquerain
Surfing Surfing
37 3%
Wooper Wooper
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
15 100%
Wooper Wooper
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45-50 60%
Chewtle Chewtle
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45-53 20%
Quagsire Quagsire
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45-56 20%
Drednaw Drednaw
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-86 55%
Quagsire Quagsire
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-86 45%
