Move Relearner Quest

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The Move Relearner Quest can be started in Chapter 2 after gaining access to Sheridan Village, but can only be finished in Chapter 6 after obtaining access to Surf. Completing this quest rewards the player with a Heart Scale and access to the Move Relearner.


From the entrance to Sheridan Village, enter the first house on the right. A brief event will occur where a lady named Samantha will say that her sister went off to look for Heart Scales in Mirage Woods but never returned. You will need access to Surf to find the Move Relearner.

Once you've obtained access to Surf, head to Mirage Town, go down the far left stairs, and Surf across the small pond of water. You will find a cave with the Move Relearner inside; speak to her to complete the quest. If you return to the house in Sheridan Village and speak to Samantha, she will give you a Heart Scale.