Neo Gearen Park

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Location Description

Neo Gearen Park is situated in Neo East Gearen City, it is located southeast of the Gearen Bicycle Shop and directly south of the Everglade Mall.


Item Location
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Flowers patch middle of the grass, fountain right side (hidden)
Muscle Wing.png Muscle Wing Left grass space up the tall grass, fountain right side (hidden)
Yellow Shard.png Yellow Shard Lower grass space middle the tall grass, lower right area (hidden)
Carbos.png Carbos Fence wall at the middle flowers patch behind the bench lower right the fountain (hidden)
Honey.png Honey Grass space 2 spots down and 1 spot right from the 1st purple flowers, fountain left side (hidden)
Honey.png Honey Upper flowers patch by the tall grass, top left area (hidden)
Leaf Stone.png Leaf Stone Grass space middle of the tall grass, middle lower area (hidden)
Grassium Z.png Grassium Z From the Caretaker after showing him the Level 100 Budew


Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Budew Budew
Grass Grass
1-100 40%
Spearow Spearow
Grass Grass
5-35 15%
Pansage Pansage
Grass Grass
5-35 10%
Pansear Pansear
Grass Grass
5-35 10%
Panpour Panpour
Grass Grass
5-35 10%
Whismur Whismur
Grass Grass
5-35 5%
Skitty Skitty
Grass Grass
6-44 5%
Bellsprout Bellsprout
Grass Grass
6-45 5%

