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Passwords are a way the player can customize their playing experience. This includes skipping parts of the game, QOL changes, and making the game more or less difficult. Players may input passwords at the start of the game, during the registration with Amanda, or by using a Data Chip at a PC.

List of Passwords

Password Alternate name Effect
mintyfresh mintpack Player starts off with 5 Mints for each nature.
freeexpall // Player starts off with an Exp. All.
shinycharm earlyshiny Player starts off with a Shiny Charm.
freemegaz // Player starts off with a Mega Z-Ring.
easyhms nohms, hmitems HM moves can be used outside of battle as long as the HM is in the bag.
earlyincu // Unlocks the Incubator in the Daycare.
freeremotepc // Remote PC is unlocked from the start of the game.[1]
nopoisondam antidote Poisoned Pokémon do not take poison damage in the overworld.
nodamageroll norolls Removes damage variation from the game.[2]
pinata // EXP grinding trainers give EXP candies without battling.
litemode noevs, emptyevs All trainers' Pokémon will have 0 EVs and IVs in all of their stats.
fullevs // All trainers' Pokémon will have 252 EVs and 31 IVs in all of their stats.
flatevs 85evs All trainers' Pokémon will have 85 EVs in all of their stats.
fullivs 31ivs, allivs, mischievous Caught Pokémon will always have 31 IVs in all of their stats.
emptyivs 0ivs Caught Pokémon will always have 0 IVs in all of their stats.
leveloffset setlevel, flatlevel All trainers' Pokémon's levels are increased or decreased by a fixed amount.
percentlevel levelpercent All trainers' Pokémon's levels are increased or decreased by a fixed percentage.
nopenny // Money gains are reduced by 80%.
moneybags richboy, doublemoney Money gains are doubled.
noitems // Items may not be used in battle, with the exception of Pokéballs and held items.
stopitems // Opposing trainers may not use items in battle, with the exception of held items.
stopgains // Pokémon may not gain EVs.
noexp zeroexp Pokémon may not gain EXP.
noevcap gen2mode Total EV cap is removed. Note that the 252 EV cap for individual stats is retained.
gen5weather // Weather in battle is permanent until it is replaced.
unrealtime // Game uses its internal 7 day clock instead of the system clock.
eeveepls // Eevee may be selected as a starter.
fieldfrenzy morefield Field effects are boosted.[3]
nointro skipintro Skips the S.S. Oceana intro sequence.
9494 // Ana is the player character.
terajuma // Starts the player off at the beginning of Terajuma.
hello eizen. // Plays a cutscene.
casspack goodtaste Activates noitems, fullivs, easyhms, norolls.
easymode // Activates fullivs, moneybags, litemode, stopitems.
hardmode // Activates noitems, nopenny, fullevs, emptyivs.
qol // Activates easyhms, nopoisondam, freeexpall, earlyincu, pinata, unrealtime.


  1. Specifically, it is unlocked after speaking to Tesla at Oceana Pier.
  2. To be precise, the "random" factor in damage calculation is always set to 92%. For more information, read the Bulbapedia article regarding the damage calculation formula.
  3. The effect of field damage modifiers is doubled. This applies both to moves which are buffed (example: Fairy Wind on Grassy Terrain receives a 2x increase in power) and nerfed (example: Earthquake on Grassy Terrain receives a 0.25x decrease in power). The calculation formula for field damage modifiers is as follows: letting x be the multiplier, if the multiplier is positive (meaning the move is buffed), then the new multiplier is , if the multiplier is negative (meaning the move is nerfed), then the new multiplier is . If the difficulty is set to Story Mode, this password effectively reverts the field nerfs, and their effect is identical to regular Classic Mode fields.