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Bulbasaur ♀️
Lv. 1
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31


To use this template, enter the following and fill in the appropriate fields. Most fields left blank will not show up.

/!\ DO NOT ADD LINE BREAKS at the top of the template's code! this will add unwanted
tags on top.


  • index = the dex number (pay attention to alternate forms!)
  • specie = the specie's name
  • gender = gender symbol: ♀️, ♂️ or ✖️
  • types = specie's types, if two: separated by a slash sign. Ex: Normal. Ex2: Normal/Flying
  • ability = ability
  • nature = nature
  • level = level
  • heldItem = Held Item
  • move1 = move's name;move's type;move's category.
  • move2 = move's name;move's type;move's category.
  • move3 = move's name;move's type;move's category.
  • move4 = move's name;move's type;move's category.
  • evs = [hp];[attack];[defense];[special attack];[special defense];[speed] // if the mon's has the default 85 per stat, you can omit this property completely
  • ivs = ivs


{{ PokemonCard
 | index = dex number
 | specie = specie's name
 | gender = gender symbol: ♀️, ♂️ or ✖️
 | types = specie's types, if two: separated by a slash sign. Ex: Normal. Ex2: Normal/Flying
 | ability = ability
 | nature = nature
 | level = level
 | heldItem = Held Item
 | move1 = move's name;move's type;move's category.
 | move2 = move's name;move's type;move's category.
 | move3 = move's name;move's type;move's category.
 | move4 = move's name;move's type;move's category.
 | evs = [hp];[attack];[defense];[special attack];[special defense];[speed]
 | ivs = ivs



charizard ♀️
Lv. 75
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 15
{{ PokemonCard
 | index = 006
 | specie = charizard
 | gender = ♀️
 | types = fire/flying
 | ability = blaze
 | nature = adamant
 | level = 75
 | heldItem = Oran Berry
 | move1 = Fire Blast;fire;special
 | move2 = Hurricane;flying;special
 | move3 = Focus Blast;fighting;special
 | move4 = Will-O-Wisp;fire;status
 | evs = 0;252;4;0;0;252
 | ivs = 15

2 Pokémon

bulbasaur ♀️
Lv. 1
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31
ivysaur ♀️
Lv. 1
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31

4 Pokémon

bulbasaur ♀️
Lv. 1
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31
ivysaur ♀️
Lv. 1
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31
venusaur ♀️
Lv. 1
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31
squirtle ♀️
Lv. 75
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31

Full Team

bulbasaur ♀️
Lv. 1
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31
ivysaur ♀️
Lv. 1
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31
venusaur ♀️
Lv. 1
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31
squirtle ♀️
Lv. 75
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31
wartortle ♀️
Lv. 75
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31
blastoise ♀️
Lv. 75
  • HP: 0
  • ATK: 252
  • DEF: 4
  • SPA: 0
  • SPD: 0
  • SPE: 252
  • IVs: 31