Terajuma Pier

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... We're in the past? How is that possible?


This article contains content that has been deleted.
It was previously available in an old version of the game, but isn't there anymore as of the latest one.

Location Description

Places of Interest

Xen Battleship

Main article: Xen Battleship


Ranger Center

The exterior of the Ranger Center

The Ranger Center is located in the northeastern part of the area. It's a place where Rangers and their trusties can travel back to the Ranger HQ Hub and be connected with the other Ranger Centers throughout the Terajuma Island. It is provided with a PC, a Healing Star, and a necessity shop; which the items sold in listed below:

Ranger Shop

Shop Vendor
Poké Ball Poké Ball
Pokémon Dollar200
Great Ball Great Ball
Pokémon Dollar600
Potion Potion
Pokémon Dollar300
Super Potion Super Potion
Pokémon Dollar700
Antidote Antidote
Pokémon Dollar100
Ice Heal Ice Heal
Pokémon Dollar250
Gourmet Treat Gourmet Treat
Pokémon Dollar1500
Super Repel Super Repel
Pokémon Dollar500
Reverse Candy Reverse Candy
Pokémon Dollar50
Spice Powder Spice Powder
Pokémon Dollar850


Item Location
Passho Berry.png Passho Berry x2 East Area; in the plant soil right from the Ranger Center
Fresh Water.png Fresh Water East Area; sand space right from the Ranger Center and left the plant soil (hidden)
Soda Pop.png Soda Pop East Area; big rock on the left side top right the bridge (hidden)
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell East Area; top right from the Ranger Center after the diving spot, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard East Area; left small blue rock top right from the Ranger Center after the diving spot, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard (hidden)
Elixir.png Elixir East Area; water tree lower right from the Ranger Center on the C-shaped water spot, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard (hidden)
Lemonade.png Lemonade East Area; sand space down the smashable-rock right from the house, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard (hidden)
Data Drive.png Data Drive East Area; inside the house (I39-N24-K98), requires Surf / Golden Surfboard and ??? Help Quest
Grass Gem.png Grass Gem West Area; sand space 3 spots left the 1st palm tree (hidden)
Red Shard.png Red Shard West Area; on the water spot down the Lighthouse, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard


Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Mantyke Mantyke
Surfing Surfing
35-36 90%
Krabby Krabby
Surfing Surfing
35 5%
Wailmer Wailmer
Surfing Surfing
35-36 4%
Carvanha Carvanha
Surfing Surfing
30-41 1%
Carvanha Carvanha
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
10 100%
Carvanha Carvanha
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
40-41 60%
Wailmer Wailmer
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
40-41 20%
Wishiwashi Wishiwashi
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
10 20%
Wishiwashi Wishiwashi
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
10 80%
Sharpedo Sharpedo
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75 15%
Wailord Wailord
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 4%
Dhelmise Dhelmise
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75 1%
Rock Smash
Chewtle Chewtle
Rock Smash Rock Smash
35 95%
Binacle Binacle
Rock Smash Rock Smash
35-38 5%
Special Pokémon
Pyukumuku Pyukumuku
Interact Interact
30 Seven
Phione Phione
Attract with Gourmet Treat Treat
30 Two
Staryu Staryu
Attract with Gourmet Treat Treat
30 Six

