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hello, i am hikarimaster666, also known as vagrant, one of the main contributors to the wiki, and a wiki admin/moderator, whatever you like the best

if you need to contact me i only really use discord @playtimehollow, i have no other form of social media whatsoever. if you cannot use discord then you may try your luck by contacting me by smoke signals, morse code, messenger pigeons, taking a flight to my place and asking me irl

i mostly handle proofchecking / grammar checking, i've also made most of the crest pages, the Passwords page and the Terajuma Password page. basically - i can handle anything which doesn't require any form of creativity or good writing, and where i don't need to do a whole lot of copypasting

i am bad at writing stuff about myself, therefore i will resort to making lists and unorganized paragraphs

rejuv/pokemon related

fav characters: erin, aelita
disrespect characters: melia, saki, risa, post 13.5 crescent
other fangames ive enjoyed: unbound, desolation
fav mons: ambipom (varies very suddenly)

outside of the rejuv wiki i am currently a maths student - not involved in too much otherwise. games i've enjoyed are your turn to die (i am sara chidouin irl) and time hollow (too underrated!!!!!! go play it!!!!) and currently getting into magical drop 3

music taste: anything falcom related, shaun martin/snarky puppy, gothic symphonic metal, king gizzard