Castle of Goomidra

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Location Description

Places of Interest

Kasumi Garden


Item Location
Swampertite.png Swampertite Entrance Hall; reward from Queen Goodrah after completing the Goomidra quest
Infernape Crest.png Infernape Crest Entrance Hall; reward from King Goodroh after completing the Goomidra quest
TM Fighting.png TM08 Bulk Up Kasumi Garden; at the right end of the garden


Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Pawniard Pawniard
Grass Grass
10-84 37%
Solosis Solosis
Grass Grass
10-84 25%
Falinks Falinks
Grass Grass
75-84 25%
Duosion Duosion
Grass Grass
10-84 5%
Bisharp Bisharp
Grass Grass
78-84 6%
Malamar Malamar
Grass Grass
88-93 2%

