Spiteful Ex

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The Spiteful Ex quest can be started during Chapter 11 in Grand Dream City. It rewards the player with the Train Pass Key Item.


Speak to the woman on the top right end of the Dream District, right before the Scholar District entrance. She will state that if the player can teach her ex-boyfriend a lesson, she will give the player her Train Pass, and that he is somewhere in the Back Alley. Head to the Back Alley and speak to the boy sitting on the bench, right before the entrance to the Festival Plaza, and beat him in battle. Once you win, return to Mimi for the Train Pass.

Battle Team

Trainer Pokémon
Hardcore Trainer Guy
Hardcore Trainer Guy
Scrafty Scrafty/ Lv.66
No item
Obstagoon Obstagoon/ Lv.67
No item
Staraptor Staraptor/ Lv.66
No item
Machamp Machamp/ Lv.67
No item