Wispy Ruins

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Location Description

Places of Interest

Wispy Chasm

Wispy Treasury


Wispy Ruins

Item Location
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell Goldenleaf Entrance - West Vine Room; right side from the vines ☀

Wispy Chasm

Item Location
Calcium.png Calcium Goldenleaf Entrance; left of the Punk trainer
Cleanse Tag.png Cleanse Tag Goldenleaf Entrance; right from the Punk trainer
Max Repel.png Max Repel Goldenleaf Entrance; far left at the middle area between the 2 Phantump
Yellow Shard.png Yellow Shard Goldenleaf Entrance; ground space up the upper rock at the lower left Phantump area (hidden)
Dark Gem.png Dark Gem Wispy Tower Entrance (West Side); space one jump up from the long path to 6 badges treasury room, area down the 2 scared ladies (hidden), requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws
Rare Candy.png Rare Candy Wispy Tower Entrance (West Side); left side the small path down the 2 waterfalls, requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws
TM Ghost.png TM65 Shadow Claw Wispy Tower Entrance (West Side); right side the small path down the 2 waterfalls, requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws
Yellow Shard.png Yellow Shard Wispy Tower Entrance (East Side); space to the right end from the vines entrance (hidden), requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws
Poké Doll.png Poké Doll Wispy Tower Entrance (East Side); at the end path going down from the vines entrance, requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws
Ghost Gem.png Ghost Gem Wispy Tower Entrance (East Side); rock on the 1st path to the left from the vines entrance (hidden), requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws
Reverse Candy.png Reverse Candy Wispy Tower Entrance (East Side); space at the left fork end from 8 badges treasury room (hidden), requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws

Wispy Treasury

Item Location
Big Nugget.png Big Nugget Goldenleaf Entrance; from the Chest inside the 4 badges door, the hidden entrance behind the waterfall in Goldenleaf Town, requires Cut / Golden Axe
Cursed Candle.png Cursed Candle Goldenleaf Entrance; from the Chest inside the 5 badges door
Dawn Stone.png Dawn Stone Goldenleaf Entrance; from the Chest inside the 2 badges door
Dusk Stone.png Dusk Stone Goldenleaf Entrance; from the Chest inside the 1 badge door
Shiny Stone.png Shiny Stone Wispy Tower Entrance (West Side); from the Chest inside the 3 badges door, requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws and Surf / Golden Surfboard
Odd Keystone.png Odd Keystone Wispy Tower Entrance (East Side); from the Chest inside the 7 badges door, requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws and Surf / Golden Surfboard
Elemental Seed.png Elemental Seed Wispy Tower Entrance (East Side); from the Chest inside the 8 badges door, requires Rock Climb / Golden Claws


Wispy Ruins

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Golett Golett
Cave Cave
30-33 42%
Baltoy Baltoy
Cave Cave
22-26,28-31 17%
Yamask Yamask
Cave Cave
30-33 15%
Graveler Graveler
Cave Cave
30-32 15%
Natu Natu
Cave Cave
26-33 9%
Xatu Xatu
Cave Cave
32-35 2%

Wispy Chasm (Town Side)

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Golett Golett
Cave Cave
32-35 32%
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
Cave Cave
28-36 19%
Yamask Yamask
Cave Cave
30-35 15%
Graveler Graveler
Cave Cave
32-35 15%
Baltoy Baltoy
Cave Cave
35-37 5%
Claydol Claydol
Cave Cave
32-35 2%
Linoone Linoone
Cave Cave
34-35 2%
Special Pokémon
Phantump Phantump
Interact Interact
30 Four
Gastly Gastly
Premier Ball Event
1 One

Wispy Chasm (Tower Side)

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Golett Golett
Cave Cave
38-39 42%
Baltoy Baltoy
Cave Cave
28-38 15%
Yamask Yamask
Cave Cave
30-38 15%
Graveler Graveler
Cave Cave
37-39 15%
Claydol Claydol
Cave Cave
38-39 7%
Xatu Xatu
Cave Cave
34-39 6%
Fishing and Surfing
Frillish Frillish
Surfing Surfing
30-39 100%
Frillish Frillish
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
10-15 70%
Barboach Barboach
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
10-15 30%
Whiscash Whiscash
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
40-42 60%
Frillish Frillish
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
40-42 20%
Corphish Corphish
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
40-42 20%
Crawdaunt Crawdaunt
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 75%
Whiscash Whiscash
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 15%
Jellicent Jellicent
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 7%
Octillery Octillery
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 3%
Special Pokémon
Scraggy Scraggy
Premier Ball Event
30 One


Trainer Pokémon
Hiker Jeremie
Hiker Jeremie
Yamask Yamask/ Lv.34
No item
Graveler Graveler/ Lv.34
No item
Onix Onix/ Lv.35
No item
Guitarist Vitali
Guitarist Vitali
Yanmega Yanmega/ Lv.33
No item
Loudred Loudred/ Lv.34
No item
PokeGang Banette
PokeGang Banette
Double Battle with PokeGang Scrafty
Shuppet Shuppet Lv.31
No item
Duskull Duskull Lv.32
No item
Lampent Lampent Lv.33
No item
Banette Banette/ Lv.35
No item
PokeGang Scrafty
PokeGang Scrafty
Double Battle with PokeGang Banette
Scraggy Scraggy Lv.31
No item
Pancham Pancham Lv.32
No item
Gurdurr Gurdurr Lv.33
No item
Scrafty Scrafty/ Lv.35
No item
Wispy Chasm (Town Side)
Battle Girl Moira
Battle Girl Moira
Machoke Machoke/ Lv.33
No item
Breloom Breloom/ Lv.34
No item
Croagunk Croagunk/ Lv.36
No item
Punk Rudey
Punk Rudey
Lycanroc Lycanroc/ Lv.33
No item
Sudowoodo Sudowoodo/ Lv.33
No item
Wispy Chasm (Tower Side)
Battle Boy Kain
Battle Boy Kain
Mienfoo Mienfoo/ Lv.35
No item
Machoke Machoke/ Lv.38
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Hiker Jeremie
Hiker Jeremie
Graveler Graveler/ Lv.35
No item
Graveler Graveler/ Lv.35
No item
Onix Onix/ Lv.34
No item
Yamask Yamask/ Lv.34
No item
Guitarist Vitali
Guitarist Vitali
Yanma Yanma/ Lv.35
No item
Loudred Loudred/ Lv.36
No item
PokeGang Banette
PokeGang Banette
Double Battle with PokeGang Scrafty
Shuppet Shuppet Lv.36
No item
Lampent Lampent Lv.36
No item
Banette Banette Lv.37
Held icon.png Muscle Band
PokeGang Scrafty
PokeGang Scrafty
Double Battle with PokeGang Banette
Scraggy Scraggy Lv.36
No item
Gurdurr Gurdurr Lv.36
No item
Scrafty Scrafty Lv.37
Held icon.png Muscle Band
Wispy Chasm (Town Side)
Battle Girl Moira
Battle Girl Moira
Machoke Machoke/ Lv.34
No item
Breloom Breloom/ Lv.35
No item
Croagunk Croagunk/ Lv.34
No item
Punk Rudey
Punk Rudey
Lycanroc Lycanroc/ Lv.35
No item
Sudowoodo Sudowoodo/ Lv.35
No item
Luxio Luxio/ Lv.34
No item
Wispy Chasm (Tower Side)
Battle Boy Kain
Battle Boy Kain
Mienfoo Mienfoo/ Lv.35
No item
Machoke Machoke/ Lv.36
No item
