Forlorned Cavern

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Cavern Description


Item Location
Yellow Shard.png Yellow Shard 1F East Entrance; rock right of the Crystal Room entrance (hidden)
Pretty Wing.png Pretty Wing 1F Crystal Room; flowers patch lower right the area (hidden)
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell 1F Crystal Room; top right the area ☀
Dusk Stone.png Dusk Stone 1F West Entrance; last grass patch at the path after the boulder, requires Rock Smash / Golden Hammer (hidden)
Ability Capsule.png Ability Capsule 1F West Entrance; on the elevation up the boulder, requires Rock Smash / Golden Hammer and Rock Climb / Golden Claws
Mineral Ball.png Mineral Ball 1F West Entrance; grass space 3 spots right from the 1st headbutt tree up the 2nd stairs from the entrance (hidden)
Ether.png Ether 1F West Entrance; in the medium tree left side up the exit (hidden)
Clever Wing.png Clever Wing 2F; 1st pink/orange flowers upper right the entrance (hidden)
Soda Pop.png Soda Pop 2F; in the headbutt tree left of the exit (hidden)

Mining Rock

Main article: Mining Rock
Item Location
Mining Rock.png Mining Rock 1F West Entrance; upper left corner, requires Rock Smash / Golden Hammer
Mining Rock.png Mining Rock 1F West Entrance; left the upper exit


Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Graveler Graveler
Grass Grass
66-70 20%
Pangoro Pangoro
Grass Grass
65-69 20%
Sudowoodo Sudowoodo
Grass Grass
66-70 17%
Togedemaru Togedemaru
Grass Grass
65-69 14%
Aron Aron
Grass Grass
64-70 15%
Lycanroc Lycanroc
Grass Grass
65-68 10% 10% 0%
Lycanroc Lycanroc
Grass Grass
65-68 0% 0% 10%
Rhydon Rhydon
Grass Grass
66-70 2%
Rhyhorn Rhyhorn
Grass Grass
70-75 2%
Fishing and Surfing
Mantyke Mantyke
Surfing Surfing
65 50%
Dewgong Dewgong
Surfing Surfing
65 25%
Sealeo Sealeo
Surfing Surfing
67 15%
Mantine Mantine
Surfing Surfing
67 7%
Bruxish Bruxish
Surfing Surfing
70 3%
Corphish Corphish
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 70%
Chewtle Chewtle
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 30%
Mantyke Mantyke
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45 60%
Quagsire Quagsire
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45 20%
Qwilfish Qwilfish
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45-46 20%
Gastrodon Gastrodon
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-66 40%
Whiscash Whiscash
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-65 35%
Clawitzer Clawitzer
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50-65 15%
Drednaw Drednaw
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
60-75 7%
Crawdaunt Crawdaunt
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
70-90 3%
Special Pokémon
Dewpider Dewpider
Interact Interact
50 Six
