Secluded Shore

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Shore Description

Places of Interest


Item Location
Lava Cookie.png Lava Cookie x5 From Ana during the Missing Children quest


Squirtle is behind a Mining Rock, thus Blast Powder is needed to reach it.

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Spheal Spheal
Surfing Surfing
36-39 75%
Seel Seel
Surfing Surfing
39-40 25%
Dewgong Dewgong
Surfing Surfing
37-39 7%
Sealeo Sealeo
Surfing Surfing
37-39 3%
Goldeen Goldeen
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
25-26 70%
Carvanha Carvanha
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
25-26 30%
Spheal Spheal
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
35-36 60%
Seel Seel
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
35-36 20%
Basculin Basculin
Red Striped
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
35-36 10%
Basculin Basculin
Blue Striped
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
35-36 10%
Seaking Seaking
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
65-69 75%
Walrein Walrein
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
65-69 22%
Sharpedo Sharpedo
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
65-69 3%
Special Pokémon
Squirtle Squirtle
Attract with Gourmet Treat Treat
10 One
