Evergreen Cave

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Cave Description

Places of Interest

Ice Rock

An Ice Rock is an ice-covered rock that enables Eevee to evolve into Glaceon.

If an Eevee is leveled up in the area, it will evolve into Glaceon. Even if Eevee meets other evolutionary conditions when leveled up, the Ice Rock will still cause it to evolve into Glaceon rather than Espeon, Umbreon, or Sylveon.


Evergreen Cave (South)

There are no items available in this area.

Evergreen Cave (North)

Item Location
Zinc.png Zinc B1F; snow space left the smashable-rock lower left the ladder, requires Rock Smash / Golden Hammer (hidden)
X Sp. Atk.png X Sp. Atk B1F; lower left side the area, requires Rock Smash / Golden Hammer
Rare Candy.png Rare Candy B1F; snow space up the smashable-rock left the Doubles Trainers, requires Rock Smash / Golden Hammer (hidden)
Full Heal.png Full Heal B1F; snow space far up the smashable-rock lower right the ladder, requires Rock Smash / Golden Hammer (hidden)
DeepSeaTooth.png DeepSeaTooth B2F; left depression
DeepSeaScale.png DeepSeaScale B2F; middle depression

Mining Rock

Main article: Mining Rock
Item Location
Mining Rock.png Mining Rock North Cave B1F; up from the left hole, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard and Rock Smash / Golden Hammer
Mining Rock.png Mining Rock North Cave B2F; up from the northern ice tiles, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard and Rock Smash / Golden Hammer


Evergreen Cave (South)

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Smoochum Smoochum
Cave Cave
30-36 32%
Sandshrew Sandshrew
Cave Cave
30-36 25%
Vanillite Vanillite
Cave Cave
32-34 15%
Vanillish Vanillish
Cave Cave
35-36 15%
Bergmite Bergmite
Cave Cave
33-38 5%
Jynx Jynx
Cave Cave
32-36 6%
Avalugg Avalugg
Cave Cave
34-38 2%
Fishing and Surfing
Seel Seel
Surfing Surfing
31-36 50%
Spheal Spheal
Surfing Surfing
32-36 25%
Sealeo Sealeo
Surfing Surfing
32-36 15%
Dewgong Dewgong
Surfing Surfing
31-36 7%
Kingler Kingler
Surfing Surfing
34-36 3%
Spheal Spheal
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 70%
Goldeen Goldeen
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 30%
Seaking Seaking
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
43 60%
Sealeo Sealeo
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
43 20%
Octillery Octillery
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
43 20%
Kingler Kingler
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
66-75 40%
Floatzel Floatzel
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 35%
Dewgong Dewgong
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 15%
Cloyster Cloyster
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 7%
Walrein Walrein
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 3%
Rock Smash
Binacle Binacle
Rock Smash Rock Smash
20-34 82%
Dunsparce Dunsparce
Rock Smash Rock Smash
20-33 15%
Shuckle Shuckle
Rock Smash Rock Smash
20-35 3%
Special Pokémon
Lapras Lapras
Interact Interact
50 One

Evergreen Cave (North)

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Smoochum Smoochum
Cave Cave
30-36 32%
Sandshrew Sandshrew
Cave Cave
30-36 25%
Vanillite Vanillite
Cave Cave
32-34 15%
Vanillish Vanillish
Cave Cave
35-36 15%
Bergmite Bergmite
Cave Cave
33-38 5%
Jynx Jynx
Cave Cave
32-36 6%
Avalugg Avalugg
Cave Cave
34-38 2%
Fishing and Surfing
Seel Seel
Surfing Surfing
31-36 50%
Spheal Spheal
Surfing Surfing
32-36 25%
Sealeo Sealeo
Surfing Surfing
32-36 15%
Dewgong Dewgong
Surfing Surfing
31-36 7%
Kingler Kingler
Surfing Surfing
34-36 3%
Spheal Spheal
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 70%
Goldeen Goldeen
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 30%
Seaking Seaking
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
43 60%
Sealeo Sealeo
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
43 20%
Octillery Octillery
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
43 20%
Kingler Kingler
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
66-75 40%
Floatzel Floatzel
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 35%
Dewgong Dewgong
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 15%
Cloyster Cloyster
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 7%
Walrein Walrein
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
75-76 3%
Rock Smash
Binacle Binacle
Rock Smash Rock Smash
20-34 82%
Dunsparce Dunsparce
Rock Smash Rock Smash
20-33 15%
Shuckle Shuckle
Rock Smash Rock Smash
20-35 3%

Evergreen Cave (North) B4F

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Smoochum Smoochum
Cave Cave
30-36 32%
Sandshrew Sandshrew
Cave Cave
30-36 25%
Vanillite Vanillite
Cave Cave
32-34 15%
Vanillish Vanillish
Cave Cave
35-36 15%
Bergmite Bergmite
Cave Cave
33-38 5%
Jynx Jynx
Cave Cave
32-36 6%
Avalugg Avalugg
Cave Cave
34-38 2%
Fishing and Surfing
Seel Seel
Surfing Surfing
31-36 50%
Dewgong Dewgong
Surfing Surfing
31-36 32%
Kingler Kingler
Surfing Surfing
32-36 18%
Feebas Feebas
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
1-5 100%
Feebas Feebas
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
1-15 100%
Feebas Feebas
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
1-20 100%


Trainer Pokémon
Tourist Karlson
Tourist Karlson
Kecleon Kecleon/ Lv.40
No item
Audino Audino/ Lv.41
No item
Stoutland Stoutland/ Lv.42
No item
Enthusiast Charlotte
Enthusiast Charlotte
Gurdurr Gurdurr/ Lv.40
No item
Mienfoo Mienfoo/ Lv.40
No item
Medicham Medicham/ Lv.41
No item
Breloom Breloom/ Lv.40
No item
Battle Boy Ned
Battle Boy Ned
Double Battle with Technician Samuel
Machoke Machoke/ Lv.43
No item
Primeape Primeape/ Lv.40
No item
Machoke Machoke/ Lv.43
No item
Technician Samuel
Technician Samuel
Items: Max Potion
Double Battle with Battle Boy Ned
Magneton Magneton Lv.40
No item
Electabuzz Electabuzz/ Lv.42
No item
Raichu Raichu/ Lv.41
No item
Hardcore Trainer Clare
Hardcore Trainer Clare
Cinccino Cinccino/ Lv.40
No item
Sneasel Sneasel/ Lv.41
No item
Golduck Golduck/ Lv.40
No item
Wartortle Wartortle/ Lv.41
No item
Glalie Glalie/ Lv.40
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Tourist Karlson
Tourist Karlson
Kecleon Kecleon/ Lv.44
No item
Audino Audino/ Lv.45
No item
Stoutland Stoutland/ Lv.46
No item
Enthusiast Charlotte
Enthusiast Charlotte
Items: X Attack 3
Gurdurr Gurdurr/ Lv.46
No item
Mienfoo Mienfoo/ Lv.46
No item
Gurdurr Gurdurr/ Lv.46
No item
Medicham Medicham/ Lv.47
No item
Breloom Breloom/ Lv.46
No item
Battle Boy Ned
Battle Boy Ned
Items: Max Potion
Double Battle with Technician Samuel
Machoke Machoke/ Lv.45
No item
Primeape Primeape/ Lv.46
No item
Machoke Machoke/ Lv.47
No item
Machamp Machamp/ Lv.47
No item
Technician Samuel
Technician Samuel
Items: Max Potion
Double Battle with Battle Boy Ned
Magneton Magneton Lv.45
No item
Magneton Magneton Lv.46
No item
Electabuzz Electabuzz/ Lv.46
No item
Raichu Raichu/ Lv.46
No item
Hardcore Trainer Clare
Hardcore Trainer Clare
Cinccino Cinccino/ Lv.45
No item
Weavile Weavile/ Lv.46
No item
Golduck Golduck/ Lv.45
No item
Blastoise Blastoise/ Lv.46
No item
Glalie Glalie/ Lv.46
No item