Evergreen Trench

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Location Description

Places of Interest

Spring Maintenance

Requires the Enigmatic Key for access.


Requires Surf / Golden Surfboard and Dive / Golden Scuba Gear for access and navigation.

Item Location
Ultra Potion.png Ultra Potion Rock up the elevation right the 1st tower with Shellder and Cloyster (hidden)
Sea Incense.png Sea Incense 2nd rock up from the small hill right the 1st tower with Shellder and Cloyster (hidden)
Water Stone.png Water Stone Ground space between the 2 seaweed on the right inside the small cave-like area (hidden)
Heart Scale.png Heart Scale Rock right the hill with Dewgong (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Ground space end the seaweed small path lower right from the Evergreen Cave South hill area (hidden)
Heart Scale.png Heart Scale Rock down the small hill down the Evergreen Cave South hill area (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Rock down the Evergreen Cave South hill area (hidden)
Pearl.png Pearl Far left ground space on the small path lower left form the Evergreen Cave South hill area (hidden)
Gourmet Treat.png Gourmet Treat Ground space down the Milotic left from the Evergreen Cave South hill area (hidden)
Revive.png Revive Rock right the hill with Cloyster and Walrein (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard 2nd ground space up the very tall tower right from the hill with Cloyster and Walrein (hidden)
Nugget.png Nugget Rock right the big mossy rock left from the small u-shape diving spot with Luvdisc on top (hidden)
Max Repel.png Max Repel Ground space down the rock down the big mossy rock left from the small u-shape diving spot with Luvdisc on top (hidden)
Damp Rock.png Damp Rock Rock on the lower left from the sphere-shape diving spot (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Rock on the lower right from the sphere-shape diving spot (hidden)
Dive Ball.png Dive Ball Rock left of Relicanth and Milotic right from the plug-like-shape diving spot (hidden)
Dive Ball.png Dive Ball Red coral between the 1st and 2nd forks of the w-shape diving spot (hidden)
Green Shard.png Green Shard 3rd seaweed left from the lower right big white rock down the big u-shape diving spot (hidden)
Heart Scale.png Heart Scale Rock upper left end of the big u-shape diving spot (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Rock upper left from the mysterious cave hill area (hidden)
Shoal Shell.png Shoal Shell Seashell right from the Seabound Cave East hill area (hidden)

Spring Maintenance

Item Location
Empoleon Crest.png Empoleon Crest From Jolene at the end of the room, requires the Enigmatic Key


Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Clamperl Clamperl
Grass Grass
78-84 32%
Relicanth Relicanth
Grass Grass
78-84 25%
Sealeo Sealeo
Grass Grass
78-84 20%
Lumineon Lumineon
Grass Grass
78-84,88-93 12%
Clawitzer Clawitzer
Grass Grass
78-84 5%
Alomomola Alomomola
Grass Grass
78-84 4%
Walrein Walrein
Grass Grass
78-84 2%
Rock Smash
Binacle Binacle
Rock Smash Rock Smash
1-80 75%
Barbaracle Barbaracle
Rock Smash Rock Smash
75-80 25%
Special Pokémon
Clawitzer Clawitzer
Interact Interact
85 One


The Defense Mechanisms are battled on Short-Circuit Field in Double Battle format.

The Defense Mechanisms have no healing items.

  • Spring Maintenance
  • Reward: PokémonDollar.png18900
  • [Show Team]
Defense Mechanisms
       Mech Golurk
Mech Golurk
Lv. 84
  • Types: steelghost
  • Nature: adamant
  • Ability: iron fist
  • Item: None
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31
       Mech Magneton
Mech Magneton
Lv. 84
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31

  • Spring Maintenance
  • Reward: PokémonDollar.png19125
  • [Show Team]
Defense Mechanisms
       Mech Claydol
Mech Claydol
Lv. 85
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31
       Mech Claydol
Mech Claydol
Lv. 83
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31
       Mech Magneton
Mech Magneton
Lv. 84
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31

  • Spring Maintenance
  • Reward: PokémonDollar.png18900
  • [Show Team]
Defense Mechanisms
       Mech Golurk
Mech Golurk
Lv. 84
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31
       Mech Claydol
Mech Claydol
Lv. 83
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31

The Defense Mechanisms are battled on Short-Circuit Field in Double Battle format.

The Defense Mechanisms have no healing items.

  • Spring Maintenance
  • Reward: PokémonDollar.png20025
  • [Show Team]
Defense Mechanisms
       Mech Golurk
Mech Golurk
Lv. 88
  • Types: steelghost
  • Nature: adamant
  • Ability: iron fist
  • Item: None
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31
       Mech Magneton
Mech Magneton
Lv. 89
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31

  • Spring Maintenance
  • Reward: PokémonDollar.png20025
  • [Show Team]
Defense Mechanisms
       Mech Claydol
Mech Claydol
Lv. 88
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31
       Mech Claydol
Mech Claydol
Lv. 89
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31
       Mech Magneton
Mech Magneton
Lv. 89
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31

  • Spring Maintenance
  • Reward: PokémonDollar.png19800
  • [Show Team]
Defense Mechanisms
       Mech Golurk
Mech Golurk
Lv. 88
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31
       Mech Claydol
Mech Claydol
Lv. 88
  • HP: 85
  • ATK: 85
  • DEF: 85
  • SPA: 85
  • SPD: 85
  • SPE: 85
  • IVs: 31
