Forgotten Path

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Route Description

Places of Interest

Lost Castle

Requires the Odd Key to access the building.

Access passwords for the upper floors: 0044, 6677, 3645, 9043, 7171.


Item Location
Green Shard.png Green Shard Ground space 2 spaces up and 2 spaces left from the sign up the entrance (hidden)
Super Potion.png Super Potion 1st flowers patch down the small tower on the left side (hidden)
Blue Shard.png Blue Shard Space on the right corner on the 1st floor up the 1st vines on the tower at the right side, requires Cut / Golden Axe (hidden)
TM Rock.png TM39 Rock Tomb On the 2nd floor up the 2nd vines on the tower at the right side, requires Cut / Golden Axe
Zygarde Cell.png Zygarde Cell To the left of the tower on the right side ☀
Ether.png Ether Flowers patch behind the 1st dark yellow big, left the path and the tower on the right side (hidden)
Burn Heal.png Burn Heal Flowers patch down the right gray pillar (hidden)
Great Ball.png Great Ball Flowers patch right the left gray pillar (hidden)
Ghost Gem.png Ghost Gem Flowers patch left the left gray pillar (hidden)
Naughty Mint.png Naughty Mint On the small island upper left the area, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard

Lost Castle

Item Location
Vespiquen Crest.png Vespiquen Crest 1F; from the Chest inside the treasury room after opening all the 9 Chests at the Wispy Ruins
TM Fire.png TM61 Will-O-Wisp 1F; right side inside the treasury room after opening all the 9 Chests at the Wispy Ruins


Forgotten Path

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Morning Icon.png Day Icon.png Night Icon.png
Phanpy Phanpy
Grass Grass
30,32 32% 0% 0%
Meowth Meowth
Grass Grass
30-31,33 35% 35% 0%
Bunnelby Bunnelby
Grass Grass
30-31 15% 15% 0%
Pineco Pineco
Grass Grass
23-24,30-31 10% 10% 0%
Diggersby Diggersby
Grass Grass
31 4% 4% 0%
Cubone Cubone
Grass Grass
32-33 4% 4% 0%
Spoink Spoink
Grass Grass
32 0% 32% 0%
Pumpkaboo Pumpkaboo
Grass Grass
32-33 0% 0% 32%
Munna Munna
Grass Grass
30-33 0% 0% 35%
Drowzee Drowzee
Grass Grass
30-31 0% 0% 15%
Noctowl Noctowl
Grass Grass
23-24,30-31 0% 0% 10%
Linoone Linoone
Grass Grass
31 0% 0% 4%
Drifloon Drifloon
Grass Grass
32-33 0% 0% 4%
Fishing and Surfing
Goldeen Goldeen
Surfing Surfing
21,23 65%
Finneon Finneon
Surfing Surfing
24 25%
Basculin Basculin
Red Striped
Surfing Surfing
24-25 5%
Basculin Basculin
Blue Striped
Surfing Surfing
24-25 5%
Wooper Wooper
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
15 100%
Wooper Wooper
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
25 80%
Basculin Basculin
Red Striped
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
25 10%
Basculin Basculin
Blue Striped
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
25 10%
Basculin Basculin
Red Striped
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
45 48.5%
Basculin Basculin
Blue Striped
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
45 48.5%
Jellicent Jellicent
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
50 3%

Lost Castle

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Rotom Rotom
Interact Interact
50 One

