Honec Woods

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Woods Description

Places of Interest

Honec Shrine

Swamp Pit

The interior of the Swamp Pit.

It's an underwater location located in the northeastern part of the woods, it grants access to the Kingdom of Goomidra.


Item Location
TinyMushroom.png TinyMushroom Main Area; red mushroom up the upper left pond, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard (hidden)
Poison Gem.png Poison Gem Main Area; water space 2 spots down and 1 spot right the upper right water lily on the upper left pond, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard (hidden)
Cleanse Tag.png Cleanse Tag Main Area; middle small red flowers patch on the middle left grass patch on the upper left pond, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard (hidden)
Leaf Stone.png Leaf Stone Main Area; lower right small blue/yellow flowers patch on the lower left grass patch on the upper left pond, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard (hidden)
Reverse Candy.png Reverse Candy Main Area; small red flowers patch right from the Snorlax Area, requires Surf / Golden Surfboard and Cut / Golden Axe (hidden)
Starf Berry.png Starf Berry x3 Main Area; plant soil lower left the area, requires Cut / Golden Axe
Big Mushroom.png Big Mushroom Main Area; grass space lower right the lower right Honey Tree, requires Strength / Golden Gauntlet (hidden)
Honey.png Honey Snorlax Area; small red flowers patch right the red mushroom left the entrance (hidden)
Honey.png Honey Snorlax Area; small red flowers patch left the red mushroom right the entrance (hidden)
Aspear Berry.png Aspear Berry Snorlax Area; small red flowers patch under the orange big tree right the Honey Tree up Snorlax (hidden)


Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Carnivine Carnivine
Grass Grass
55-62 25%
Combee Combee
Grass Grass
55-62 17%
Karrablast Karrablast
Grass Grass
56-60 12%
Shelmet Shelmet
Grass Grass
56-60 10%
Stunfisk Stunfisk
Grass Grass
55-60 15%
Charjabug Charjabug
Grass Grass
55-60 10%
Venonat Venonat
Grass Grass
55-60 5%
Venomoth Venomoth
Grass Grass
55-60 4%
Blipbug Blipbug
Grass Grass
61-62 2%
Fishing and Surfing
Tympole Tympole
Surfing Surfing
5-50 50%
Wooper Wooper
Surfing Surfing
5-50 25%
Palpitoad Palpitoad
Surfing Surfing
51-60 15%
Quagsire Quagsire
Surfing Surfing
51-60 7%
Seismitoad Seismitoad
Surfing Surfing
45-46 3%
Goldeen Goldeen
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
30-35 100%
Remoraid Remoraid
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
45-46 100%
Crawdaunt Crawdaunt
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
65-66 90%
Octillery Octillery
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
65-66 10%
Honey Tree
Burmy Burmy
Honey Honey
40 68%
Combee Combee
Honey Honey
40 26%
Aipom Aipom
Honey Honey
40 4%
Forretress Forretress
Honey Honey
40 2%

Snorlax Area

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Carnivine Carnivine
Grass Grass
55-62 25%
Combee Combee
Grass Grass
55-60 15%
Karrablast Karrablast
Grass Grass
56-60 12%
Shelmet Shelmet
Grass Grass
56-60 10%
Stunfisk Stunfisk
Grass Grass
55-60 15%
Charjabug Charjabug
Grass Grass
55-60 10%
Venonat Venonat
Grass Grass
55-60 5%
Venomoth Venomoth
Grass Grass
55-60 4%
Blipbug Blipbug
Grass Grass
61-62 2%
Vespiquen Vespiquen
Grass Grass
61-62 2%
Honey Tree
Burmy Burmy
Honey Honey
40 68%
Combee Combee
Honey Honey
40 26%
Aipom Aipom
Honey Honey
40 4%
Forretress Forretress
Honey Honey
40 2%
Special Pokémon
Snorlax Snorlax
Premier Ball Event
55 One

Darchlight Area

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Carnivine Carnivine
Grass Grass
55-62 25%
Combee Combee
Grass Grass
55-60 15%
Karrablast Karrablast
Grass Grass
56-60 12%
Shelmet Shelmet
Grass Grass
56-60 10%
Stunfisk Stunfisk
Grass Grass
55-60 15%
Charjabug Charjabug
Grass Grass
55-60 10%
Venonat Venonat
Grass Grass
55-60 5%
Venomoth Venomoth
Grass Grass
55-60 4%
Blipbug Blipbug
Grass Grass
61-62 2%
Vespiquen Vespiquen
Grass Grass
61-62 2%

Swamp Pit

Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Stunfisk Stunfisk
Grass Grass
70-80 32%
Gastrodon Gastrodon
Grass Grass
70-90 25%
Clamperl Clamperl
Grass Grass
70-85 20%
Octillery Octillery
Grass Grass
60-90 10%
Clawitzer Clawitzer
Grass Grass
60-85 7%
Dragalge Dragalge
Grass Grass
60-85 6%

