Beach Field

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Focus and relax to the sound of crashing waves...


Beach is a field effect present in Rejuvenation. It is classified as a Telluric field and can be found on Route 5.

General Effects

  • Special Flying-type attacks, Fire Spin, Leaf Tornado, Razor Wind, Twister, and Whirlpool additionally lower all active Pokémon's Accuracy by 1 stage.
    • The attack stirred up the ash on the ground!
  • Fighting-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the ability Inner Focus are prevented from becoming afflicted with confusion.
  • Sandstorm lasts for 8 turns.

Abilities Affected

  • Inner Focus, Own Tempo, Pure Power, Sand Veil, and Steadfast additionally make the bearer ignore any Accuracy or Evasion changes when attacking, unless the target has As One or Unnerve.
    • As v13.5.6, the field effect manual does not mention As One.
  • Sand Force, Sand Rush, Sand Veil, and Zen Mode are always active.
  • Water Compaction additionally boosts Special Defense by two stages on activation.
  • Sand Spit lowers Accuracy of all foes by 1 stage upon activation.
  • Mimicry changes the user's type to Ground.

Moves Affected

Moves which receive an attack buff

  • Mud Bomb, Mud Shot, Mud Slap, Sand Tomb → 2x boost.
    • Sand mixed into the attack!
  • Strength → 1.5x boost, becomes Fighting-type, Psychic sub-typing.
    • ...And with pure focus!
  • Brine, Clangorous Soulblaze, Crabhammer, Hidden Power, Land's Wrath, Muddy Water, Razor Shell, Sandsear Storm, Scorching Sands, Shell Side Arm, Shell Trap, Smelling Salts, Surf, Thousand Waves, Wave Crash → 1.5x boost.
    • The salty sea strengthened the attack!
    • ...And with pure focus!
    • Time for crab!
    • The sand strengthened the atttack!
    • Surf's up!
    • A shining shell on the beach!
    • As of v13.5.6, the field effect manual incorrectly states that Mud Barrage gains a 1.5x boost and does not say that Wave Crash gains a 1.5x boost.
  • Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Focus Punch, Stored Power, Zen Headbutt → 1.3x.
    • ...And with full focus...!
  • Psychic → 1.2x boost.
    • ...And with focus...!

Other moves

  • Arenite Wall lasts 8 turns and can be set without Sandstorm.
  • Calm Mind boosts the user's Special Attack and Special Defense by 2 stages.
  • Focus Blast's accuracy is increased to 90%.
    • As of v13.5.6, the field effect manual does not mention this.
  • Focus Energy boosts the user's Critical Hit rate by 3 stages.
  • Kinesis and Sand Attack lower the target's Accuracy by 2 stages.
  • Meditate boosts the user's Attack by 3 stages.
  • Psych Up additionally cures user's status.
  • Sand Tomb additionally lowers the trapped Pokémon's Accuracy by 1 stage each turn.
  • Shore Up fully restores the user's HP.
    • As of v13.5.6, the field effect manual incorrectly states that Shore Up restores only 75% HP.

Field-dependent moves

  • Camouflage changes the user's type to Ground.
  • Nature Power becomes Meditate.
  • Secret Power may lower Accuracy.
  • Shelter halves damage from Ground-type moves.
  • Terrain Pulse's type becomes Ground.


  • Telluric Seed applies Focus Energy to the user.
  • Shell Bell now restores HP equal to 25% of the damage dealt.

Field Effects
Elemental Fields: Electric TerrainGrassy TerrainMisty TerrainVolcanic FieldCorrosive Mist Field
Icy FieldWater SurfaceUnderwaterMurkwater SurfaceDragon's Den
Frozen Dimensional FieldSky FieldInfernal Field
Magical Fields: Dark Crystal CavernRainbow FieldCrystal CavernBlessed FieldFairy Tale Field
Starlight ArenaNew WorldInverse FieldPsychic TerrainDimensional Field
Haunted FieldBewitched Woods
Synthetic Fields: Chess BoardBig Top ArenaFactory FieldShort-Circuit FieldGlitch Field
Mirror ArenaFlower GardenCorrupted CaveColosseum FieldConcert Venue
Back AlleyCity
Telluric Fields: Swamp FieldCorrosive FieldDesert FieldRocky FieldForest Field
Volcanic Top FieldWastelandBeachCaveMountainSnowy Mountain
Deep Earth