Mountain Field

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High up!


Mountain is one of the field effects present in Rejuvenation. It is classified as a Telluric field and can be found on Valor Cliffside, during the battle against Eli and Sharon.

Transitions From Other Fields

  • Volcanic Top Field will transform into this field if one of the moves Blizzard, Glaciate, or Subzero Slammer is used.
    • The field cooled off!
  • Snowy Mountain will transform into this field if Sunny weather has been active for 3 turns, or if one of the following moves is used:
    • Fire Pledge, Flame Burst, Heat Wave, Incinerate, Inferno Overdrive, Lava Plume, Mind Blown, Raging Fury, Searing Shot
    • The snow melted away!
  • Sky Field will transform into this field if one of the moves Grav Apple, Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, or Thousand Arrows is used.
    • The battle has been brought down to the mountains!

General Effects

  • Rock-type attacks increase in base power by 1.5x.
    • The mountain strengthened the attack!
  • Flying-type attacks increase in base power by 1.5x.
    • The open air strengthened the attack!
  • Special Flying-type attacks increase in base power by 1.5x when Strong Winds is active.
  • Sunny weather lasts for 8 turns.

Abilities Affected

  • Aerilate's base power boost becomes x1.5.
  • Gale Wings is always active during Strong Winds.
  • Long Reach increases the bearer's damage by 1.5x.
  • Mimicry changes the user's type to Rock.

Moves Affected

Moves which receive an attack buff

  • Avalanche, Eruption, Thunder → 1.5x boost.
    • The mountain strengthened the attack!
  • Circle Throw, Storm Throw, Vital Throw → 1.5x boost.
    • [Pokémon] was thrown down partway the mountain!
  • Fairy Wind, Icy Wind, Mountain Gale, Ominous Wind, Razor Wind, Silver Wind, Twister → 1.5x boost.
    • The wind strengthened the attack!
  • Hyper Voice → 1.5x boost.
    • Yodelayheehoo~
  • Fairy Wind, Gust, Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Razor Wind, Silver Wind, Twister → Additional 1.5x boost when Strong Winds is active.
    • The wind strengthened the attack!

Other moves

  • Tailwind lasts for 6 turns and creates Strong Winds while active.
  • Thunder never misses.

Field-dependent moves

  • Camouflage changes the user's type to Rock.
  • Nature Power becomes Rock Slide.
  • Secret Power may flinch.
  • Shelter halves damage from Rock-type moves.
  • Terrain Pulse's type becomes Rock.

Transitions to Other Fields

Any move in this section inherently gains a 1.3x damage boost if it changes the field, unless noted otherwise.

  • This field will transform into Sky Field if either Bounce or Fly is used.
    • The battle was taken to the skies!
  • This field will transform into Snowy Mountain if Hail weather has been active for 3 turns, or if one of the following moves is used:
    • Blizzard, Glaciate, Mountain Gale, Subzero Slammer
    • The mountain was covered in snow!
  • This field will transform into Volcanic Top Field if one of the moves Eruption, Inferno Overdrive, Lava Plume, or Magma Drift is used.
    • The mountain erupted!


  • Telluric Seed boosts Attack by 2 stages but lowers Accuracy by 1 stage.

Field Effects
Elemental Fields: Electric TerrainGrassy TerrainMisty TerrainVolcanic FieldCorrosive Mist Field
Icy FieldWater SurfaceUnderwaterMurkwater SurfaceDragon's Den
Frozen Dimensional FieldSky FieldInfernal Field
Magical Fields: Dark Crystal CavernRainbow FieldCrystal CavernBlessed FieldFairy Tale Field
Starlight ArenaNew WorldInverse FieldPsychic TerrainDimensional Field
Haunted FieldBewitched Woods
Synthetic Fields: Chess BoardBig Top ArenaFactory FieldShort-Circuit FieldGlitch Field
Mirror ArenaFlower GardenCorrupted CaveColosseum FieldConcert Venue
Back AlleyCity
Telluric Fields: Swamp FieldCorrosive FieldDesert FieldRocky FieldForest Field
Volcanic Top FieldWastelandBeachCaveMountainSnowy Mountain
Deep Earth