Electric Terrain

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The field is hyper-charged!


Electric Terrain is one of the fields present in Rejuvenation. It is categorized as an Elemental field.

Transitions From Other Fields

Generating Electric Terrain while another field is already active causes the Electric Terrain field to overlay on top of the active field. The original field remains active and the overlayed Electric Terrain field has fewer effects than normal. If Electric Terrain is an overlayed field, only effects/moves in the below sections trailed by an asterisk (*) apply.

  • This field is generated by:
    • The ability Electric Surge on switch-in and the move Electric Terrain for 5 turns normally and 8 turns if the Pokémon holds an Amplifield Rock.
    • The moves Plasma Fists and Ion Deluge if the user does not hold an Everstone for 3 turns normally and 6 turns if the user holds an Amplifield Rock.
    • The Z-Move Stoked Sparksurfer for 3 turns.

General Effects

  • Electric-type moves from grounded Pokémon increase in base power by 1.5x.*
    • The Electric Terrain strengthened the attack!
  • Grounded Pokémon cannot fall asleep.
    • The electricity jolted [Pokémon] awake!

Abilities Affected

  • Galvanize increases base power by 1.5x for affected moves.*
  • Plus and Minus increases Special Attack by 1.5x even if the other is not present.*
  • Steadfast boosts the user's Speed by one stage on switch in.*
  • Surge Surfer is activated.*
  • Volt Absorb heals 1/16 max HP at the end of each turn.*
  • Battery boosts the damage of allies' Special moves by 1.5x.
  • Comatose is disabled.
  • Gulp Missile always picks up Pikachu.
  • Lightning Rod boosts the user's Special Attack by one stage on switch in.
  • Mimicry changes the user's type to Electric.
  • Motor Drive raises the user's Speed by one stage at the end of each turn.
  • Quick Feet is always activated.
  • Slow Start ends twice as fast.
  • Static has a doubled chance to activate (60%).
  • Teravolt boosts Electric-type moves by 1.5x and additionally lets them deals neutral damage to Ground-types.
  • Transistor additionally reduces the base power of Ground-type moves against the user by 0.5x.

Moves Affected

Moves which receive an attack buff

  • Magnet Bomb* → 2x boost.
    • The attack powered-up!
  • Explosion*, Hurricane*, Muddy Water*, Self-Destruct*, Smack Down*, Surf*, Thousand Arrows*, Wildbolt Storm → 1.5x boost, Electric sub-typing.
    • The attack became hyper-charged!
    • The explosion became hyper-charged!

Moves which receive an attack nerf

  • Focus Punch → Fails upon use.
    • [Pokémon] lost its focus and couldn't move!

Other moves

  • Magnet Rise lasts for 8 turns.*
  • Charge boosts the user's Special Defense by 2 stages.
  • Eerie Impulse lowers the target's Special Attack by 3 stages.
  • Electrify additionally changes the target's type to Electric.
  • Electroweb lowers the target's Speed by 2 stages.
  • Hydro Vortex gains an Electric sub-typing.
  • Magnetic Flux boosts all allies' Defense and Special Defense by 2 stages if they have the Plus or Minus ability, or 1 stage otherwise.
  • Parabolic Charge heals 75% of damage dealt.
  • Spikes deals Electric-type scaling damage and can hit airborne Pokémon.
  • Thunder Cage deals 1/6 max HP damage at the end of each turn.
  • Wild Charge no longer has recoil.

Field-dependent moves

  • Camouflage changes the user's type to Electric.
  • Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt.
  • Secret Power may inflict Paralysis.
  • Shelter halves damage from Electric-type moves.
  • Terrain Pulse becomes Electric-type.

Transitions to Other Fields

Any move in this section inherently gains a 1.3x damage boost if it changes the field, unless noted otherwise.

  • The move Tectonic Rage will terminate this field.
  • The move Mud Sport will disable the field while the move effect lasts.
    • The hyper-charged terrain shorted out!


  • Elemental Seed boosts the user's Speed by one stage applies Charge for two turns.
  • Cell Battery is consumed and boosts the holder's Attack by one stage on switch in.

Field Effects
Elemental Fields: Electric TerrainGrassy TerrainMisty TerrainVolcanic FieldCorrosive Mist Field
Icy FieldWater SurfaceUnderwaterMurkwater SurfaceDragon's Den
Frozen Dimensional FieldSky FieldInfernal Field
Magical Fields: Dark Crystal CavernRainbow FieldCrystal CavernBlessed FieldFairy Tale Field
Starlight ArenaNew WorldInverse FieldPsychic TerrainDimensional Field
Haunted FieldBewitched Woods
Synthetic Fields: Chess BoardBig Top ArenaFactory FieldShort-Circuit FieldGlitch Field
Mirror ArenaFlower GardenCorrupted CaveColosseum FieldConcert Venue
Back AlleyCity
Telluric Fields: Swamp FieldCorrosive FieldDesert FieldRocky FieldForest Field
Volcanic Top FieldWastelandBeachCaveMountainSnowy Mountain
Deep Earth