Deep Earth Field

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The core is pulling you in...


Deep Earth is one of the field effects present in Rejuvenation. It is classified as a Telluric Field.

Transitions From Other Fields

  • Cave will transform into this field if Gravity is used 2 times.
    • Intense gravity is pulling from deep below...
    • The battle was pulled deeper into the earth!

General Effects

  • Ground-type attacks increase in base power by 1.5x against non Ground-types.
    • The earth empowered the attack!
  • Ground-type attacks decrease in base power by 0.5x against Ground-types.
    • The dense earth is difficult to mold...
  • Rock-type attacks increase in base power by 1.3x.
    • The earth empowered the attack!
  • Psychic-type attacks increase in base power by 1.3x.
    • The core's magical forces are immense!
  • Negative priority attacks increase in base power by 1.3x.
    • Slow and heavy!
  • Positive priority attacks decrease in base power to 0.7x.
    • The intense pull slowed the attack...
  • Gravity is always active, and cannot be disabled.

Abilities Affected

  • Contrary, Magnet Pull, Oblivious, and Unaware additionally cause the bearers to Levitate. This overrides the Gravity effect from the field.
    • Gravity's just a theory, after all...
    • The strong magnetism causes [Pokémon] to float!
    • [Pokémon] fails to notice the intense gravity...
  • Heavy Metal boosts the user's Defense by 1 stage, but lowers Speed by 1 stage on switch-in.
    • [Pokémon]'s weight makes it harder to be moved!
  • Light Metal boosts the bearer's Speed by 1 stage on switch-in.
    • [Pokémon]'s Light Metal allows it to move faster!
  • Mimicry changes the user's type to Ground.
  • Power Construct boosts all stats by 1 stage on activation.
    • The core's energy empowered [Pokémon]!
  • Power Spot boosts the partner's damage by 1.5x.
  • Pressure increases PP usage to 3 PP.
  • Slow Start now lowers the bearer's Speed and Evasion by 6 stages, but increases Attack, Defense, and Special Defense by 1 stage on switch-in. The normal effect is negated.
    • The ancient giant is slow but powerful!

Moves Affected

Moves which receive an attack buff

  • Core Enforcer → 2x boost, -1 priority.
    • The power of the core obliterates all!
  • Crush Grip → 2x boost.
    • CRUSHED!
  • Land's Wrath, Precipice Blades, Tectonic Rage → 2x boost.
    • The power of the earth is utterly overwhelming!
  • Magnet Bomb → 2x boost.
    • The magnetic field is strengthened!
  • Smack Down → 2x boost.
    • Slammed into the ground!
  • Ancient Power → 1.5x boost.
    • The power of ages gone by...
  • Body Press, Body Slam, Dragon Rush, Fling, Grav Apple, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Icicle Crash, Steamroller, Stomp → 1.5x boost.
    • The attack came crashing down!
  • Circle Throw, Storm Throw, Submission, Vital Throw → 1.5x boost.
    • Slammed into the ground!
  • Crabhammer, Hammer Arm, Ice Hammer → 1.5x boost.
    • [Pokémon] threw their whole weight into it!
  • Low Kick, Grass Knot → 1.5x boost.
    • Enjoy the trip!
  • Spacial Rend → 1.5x boost.
    • The intense gravity is ruptured!
  • Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves → 1.5x boost.
    • The power of the earth is utterly overwhelming!

Other moves

  • Autotomize boosts the user's Speed by 3 stages.
  • Crush Grip and Gyro Ball always deal max BP.
  • Eerie Impulse lower's the target's Special Attack by 3 stages.
  • Geomancy only takes 1 turn to use.
  • Gravity damages all opposing Pokémon for 50% of their current HP instead of its usual effect.
  • Heat Crash and Heavy Slam double the user's weight for base power calculation.
  • Low Kick and Grass Knot double the target's weight for base power calculation.
  • Magnet Rise boosts the user's Speed by 2 stages instead of its usual effect.
  • Magnetic Flux boosts all Plus or Minus Pokémon's Defense and Special Defense by 2 stages.
  • Psywave now deals damage between 1x and 1.5x the user's level.
  • Rototiller boosts all Grass-type Pokémon's Attack and Special Attack by 2 stages.
  • Seismic Toss now deals damage equal to 1.5x the user's level.
  • Topsy-Turvy additionally deals weight-based Ground-type damage (similar to Grass Knot) to all other Pokémon on the field. Weight of all Pokémon is doubled for this move. Does not negate its normal effect.

Field-dependent moves

  • Camouflage changes the user's type to Ground.
  • Nature Power becomes Gravity.
  • Secret Power may flinch.
  • Shelter halves damage from Ground-type moves.
  • Terrain Pulse's type becomes Ground.


  • Telluric Seed boosts Defense by 1 stage and doubles the user's weight.
  • Float Stone additionally increases the holder's Speed by 1.2x.
  • Iron Ball lowers the holder's Speed by 2 stages on switch-in instead of its usual effect.
  • Magnet additionally boosts the holder's Special Attack by 1 stage, but lowers Speed by 1 stage on switch-in.
    • [Pokémon]'s Magnet is affected by the magnetic field!

Field Effects
Elemental Fields: Electric TerrainGrassy TerrainMisty TerrainVolcanic FieldCorrosive Mist Field
Icy FieldWater SurfaceUnderwaterMurkwater SurfaceDragon's Den
Frozen Dimensional FieldSky FieldInfernal Field
Magical Fields: Dark Crystal CavernRainbow FieldCrystal CavernBlessed FieldFairy Tale Field
Starlight ArenaNew WorldInverse FieldPsychic TerrainDimensional Field
Haunted FieldBewitched Woods
Synthetic Fields: Chess BoardBig Top ArenaFactory FieldShort-Circuit FieldGlitch Field
Mirror ArenaFlower GardenCorrupted CaveColosseum FieldConcert Venue
Back AlleyCity
Telluric Fields: Swamp FieldCorrosive FieldDesert FieldRocky FieldForest Field
Volcanic Top FieldWastelandBeachCaveMountainSnowy Mountain
Deep Earth